Look, ma, an entry! :-O

Nov 13, 2004 02:12

It seems I worship the gods from the underground... that's why I'm always kissing the floor, i.e. tripping and falling :/ ...and breaking bones, I might add. Thankfully, I didn't break any bones *this time*. You see, those gods protect me. I'm blessed, because even though I'm always involved in these freak, little, funny accidents [and they *are* funny, I have to
admit], I'm still alive and well :) The most serious accident was when I broke my right arm, and it's working fine and dandy, thank you very much. Even my ugly scar has character, ha!

So yeah, three weeks ago I had to top off one of the coolest evenings I've had so far this year... by falling down the stairs and spraining my ankle. *sigh* Speaking of stairs, Ariel has won like 1,457 more steps to Heaven for being so sweet and taking me to the hospital :) Carlos & Letz, too, for going along for the ride and staying in the waiting room...

And thanks to therapy, my foot is almost well, the swelling is mostly gone and it doesn't have that ghastly purple color anymore :-S

Anyway, that's old news (heh OLD NEWs... get it? yeah, whatever). But there aren't any NEW news either. I'm just... drifting from day to day lately, more like dragging my feet (sometimes quite literally) from one day to the other. I feel like a sloth or a snail... I dunno. Gah. What a depressing statement. *sigh*

I don't know. My life has lately been sort of a series of non-happenings. I've been feeling as if I were suspended in a sort of timelike substance, waiting for something to happen. Something. ANYTHING.

I need to get out of here. I feel there's a whole world out there (well, d'oh) full of people and things and places I'm missing while sitting here and losing myself in this bland existence. Sometimes all this gets to be just too much to bear, and I feel it crushing me and I want to scream and run far, far away...or at least hide under my pillows.

Oh yes. Just your regular drama queen musings, 50% diluted with a cupful of self-pity and making fun of myself. I swear, I should have been a soap opera actress. No, I mean, really. But I guess I wasn't good enough even for that. Hahaha. Whatever. "Like sands through the hourglass... these are the days of our lives." :|

But I'm fine, really :) At least right now I am. Can't say for the next, say, two hours. I love my mood swings, baby.


"His madness... His madness keeps him sane."
"And do you think he is the only one, my sister?"

Sommes nous les jouets du destin
Souviens toi des moments divins...
Protect me from what I want


I'm glad one very, very, VERY good thing happened to me this year which compensates a gazillion times for all the freaky little things that have gone bad and gives me hope to go on. Thank YOU :) <3
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