I should be asleep.....

Sep 18, 2010 01:03

so life. yeah. Im overworked and overtired. I have a fair tomorrow 730-630(my estimation) and i should be asleep. but john pretty much fired me from cuddling. It really just should how I feel lately anyway. sure everyone likes the things that I do for them but actually liking me? thats a whole different story. If I dont wanna bang then its no cuddle time. I just feel like an awful lot is expected from me, and well often I feel like the few things I ask for cant seem to be met. so I'm on a broken futon with 6 1/2 hours before i need to wake for work, wired on emotion, and exhausted at the same time. I just need some love. I need you to hold me like you use to, I need something that im just not getting. i need you to notice me not in bed, i need you. i miss you very much and i dont really know how to get us back.
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