I just finished watching Kaibutsu-kun Ep 5.
It's really hard for me to see Ohno-kun as Kaibutsu-kun because they are so different! Even in appearance, if I didn't know it was Oh-chan, I wouldn't have guessed because Kaibutsu-kun is such a dorky dork. :p
I think its the ears! xD With those ears, I honestly CAN'T see the resemblance between him and Oh-chan.
Where's Oh-chan?? :p Another thing is probably the characters.
Kaibutsu is super whiny and bitchy (but cute!)
Yeah, Kaibutsu-kun <3s me!!! :))
Deep in thought?? :) Reminds me of the episode of HnA where the VIP (I forgot who)
said that Riida was Deep, Limited but then later on in the show, Riida was bringing it back up
but he got it wrong, he said "Yeah, I'm deep and narrow".
He got a knock on the head after that for not listening, haha
Kai-kun looking happy...quite rare isn't it??? xD