Himitsu no Arashi-chan #23

Aug 20, 2010 00:26


Have you seen this episode? Its The Haunting Part II, with Sho-chan too.

I really enjoyed watching it because...well, Oh-chan is so emotionless. :p I'm the type of person who loves watching horror movies. I think I've watched a lot of them, I'd say all the famous ones and even some of the not-so-famous ones. Thanks to YouTube, I'm able to watch them at any moment of the day - even Korean and Japanese movies, which are my favourites.

So when I see that Oh-chan is totally calm and cool during the scary moments (they're quite scary! Sho and Aiba were screaming like babies), I was thinking, "ehhh....how nice if I could watch a scary movie with Oh-chan. He'll totally calm me down". Because I'm the type of person who's really into wanting to watch it, but then halfway through when the scary parts are on, I'll be shouting to myself - WHY DID I WATCH THIS STUPID MOVIE? Haha.

That's my wish for 2010/2011 semester - that someday I can watch a movie with someone as cool and collected as Oh-chan. He didn't even blink when the 'ghosts' appeared. :) Kakkoii....

hna, horror movies, arashi

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