My spleen hurts

Jan 17, 2006 22:08

For the gamers in the crowd:

If the Baltimore Martial Arts Academy was World of Warcraft, my night could be described like this:

Baltimore Martial Arts Academy hits you for OMGWTFBBQ health.
Baltimore Martial Arts Academy crits you for WTFPWND health.
Baltimore Martial Arts Academy's Explode On Your Face crits you for IPWNJOOZ health.
You die.

Or, if it were Nethack, it could be this:

The Baltimore Martial Arts Academy opens up a pit at your feet!
You fall into the pit!
The pit has spikes!
You hit the spikes!
The spikes were poisoned!

Do you want your possessions identified? (Y/N)

If I was playing Unreal Tournament, I'd see this in my logs:

The Baltimore Martial Arts Academy has turned delirifrank's into a leaky piece of meat.

Or, if I were playing UT2004 in Onslaught mode:

The Baltimore Martial Arts Academy clipped delirifrank's head off.

So you get the point. Brazilian Jiujitsu completely owned me tonight. The first part of class was extremely tiring, and I was exhausted by the second part of class.

Which was the randori, or free spar sessions.

For those of you tuning in, jiu-jitsu is a groundbased fighting system, where the goal is to simulate a debilitation injury or knockout choke by performing what is known as a submission. Instead of breaking your opponent's arm or choking him until he collapses, though, they tap your body to say, "I give up," and you begin again.

I'm mainly a tae kwon do guy. Stand on your feet, trade punches and kicks, and so forth. So jiu-jitsu is mostly completely foreign to me, except from what I've read, seen in instructional DVDs, and watched in UFC matches.

Well, not completely foreign. To use a bad analogy, think of the martial arts as swimming. I know tae kwon do (the front crawl). Well, these mother fuckers threw me in the deep end of the pool, and told me to breaststroke. Well, I have some swimming skills, so I could keep up somewhat. To my credit, I was only submitted a handful of times, by a collar choke, and ankle lock, an armbar, and a kimura, while I actually managed to get one submission on one of my opponents, a keylock.

To learn what the fuck I'm talking about, check out some Brazilian Jiu-jitsu techniques.

Though I was only submitted a few times, I was completely exhausted by the end of class, barely able to pick myself up off of the matt.

And I'll go back Thursday to do it all again. ^_^
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