Jun 03, 2006 14:56
I saw s tupid bitch yesterday.. Her name is Chrissy, she is andrew's ex.
I didn't have a problem with her... because I never met her until that day when she looked at Drew , looked at me then went all preppy*ugh* bullshit... Lemme tell ya somethin doll... Id break ya over my damn knee.
So yeahh I saw her when I was w/Bret at walmart... she gave me a look and I stood still.. shaking.. (those of you know how i get when angered) and pictures in my head... I really hate people who test me when they don't know me. Stupid stupid stupid.. and she tramps around thinkin shes hot shit with her hahahaha im jokin lovely boyfriend. hahahah I don;t know him so i don't wanna be rude but darlin please... you wish you had Andrew back because he's oh so deliciously good.
I love Andrew because I don't hafta worry about that cheatin bullshit with him... can we say I def deserve him. I do and we make the most amazing couple!!!fuckin rightttt!!! I will say it time and time again! I LOVE YOU ANDREW H!!! ::Kissess::Babe!
Yes tis a bit immature of me but i hate stupid ppl... and i hate looks..
the good ones are nice but give me attitude with your eyes when you don't know me... all hell on you.I'm a bitch!Get over it .. but im not unless provoked.
Corty comes here in about a month. LOVE IT!!!