Jan 17, 2006 16:26
So, long time no update... where to start...
Well, I got a new car! The thing's a boat, but it's dependable and it was free! So really, I can't complain much. Except for the "Heartland at Heart" sticker that is on the back... seriously, how can I get that thing off? So, hopefully, visiting friends will happen sometime. I like visiting!
School's going pretty well... I missed a bunch of classes last week due to what they're thinking was a kidney infection... well, I'm on strong antibiotics and feeling much better, so that's good. I actually like all of my classes right now, even physics... even history! I think Evolution may be the most awesome class I've ever taken. Yeah.
Things with Rich are good again. I'm so excited, in April we're going to a Fall Out Boy/All American Rejects concert! Woo! We've never been to a concert before. And we're going to The Lion King in March, mostly because he loves me, not because it's his thing so much... so that's sweet! Three years in two weeks... that's so weird. But it's all good. I don't think we're celebrating our anniversary because we're so poor, just a nice dinner or something. Which was my suggestion, so yay!
This weekend was seriously probably the best weekend I've had in college, also, even with a kidney infection. Saturday was the day I started feeling better, then we had an awesome party Saturday night. Oh, it was just so good! Rich got along with all of my friends, even Hoez and Joe, there was no drama, everyone had a good time... I just wish I could've drank a little bit more. I had a few, but I couldn't really even get buzzed since I'm on antibiotics and was nervous about that. But it was still sweet. It wasn't really even messy afterwords! Well, assuming you didn't look too hard at the kitchen... Sunday I spent with Rich and then went and did Beyond Words, which turned out amazingly well. It was really powerful. I'm so glad that OPA got involved in that this year. It was great.
Well, I'm at the library, so I should probably go and do the studying that I came here to do. I'm going to try really hard this semester to turn over a new leaf as far as studying goes. I can't have another semester like last one... And I feel really dedicated right now, so that's good!