[OOC] Character Info

Jan 06, 2011 05:47

[ Character's Name ] : Miroku
[ Character's Age ] : 19
[ Series ] : Inuyasha
[ Canon Point ] : The end of Chapter 448, after Kikyou purifies his wounds and tells him he has only a short time to live.

[ History ] :
This canon is so massive I'm not going to make you read through one of my teal explanations thereof. The Kingdom Hearts one was bad enough. XD So here is a list of manga chapters with general-gist summaries. Much easier to swallow.

In a nutshell, the story goes Miroku is a good-natured if lecherous monk who has inherited the most unfortunate of family businesses: keeper of the Kazaana--a cursed void in his right hand that can suck up anything and dismiss it to another dimension, but at the eventual cost of his life. The only way to save his life is to defeat the demon who cursed his family: Naraku. He has dedicated his life to destroying Naraku and preventing the curse from being spread to any future generations of his family. He meets our happy band of heroes, feels up Kagome, and joins the team, proceeding to then feel up every woman who crosses his path. When Sango joins the gang, much of said feeling up is done in her direction. Over the next forty-kerquillion chapters, Miroku falls hopelessly in love with Sango, dramatically risks his life several times to try and help her free her not-exactly-a-zombie little brother Kohaku from Naraku's clutches, and eventually Naraku is defeated and he marries her. Three years later, they have three children, and there is no sign of the curse having been passed on. \o/

[ Personality ] :
Miroku is a man of many talents. At the tender age of 19, he is an accomplished Buddhist monk with a great amount of spiritual power and quite a formidable combatant. He is notably intelligent and a very quick study, with a knack for learning just about anything he sets his mind to. When he stumbles across Kagome's unattended bicycle in early chapters, he is able to ride it quite well despite only ever having seen her ride the strange contraption once, and keep in mind this is a device that won't be invented in his timeline until the 1800's or so.

In addition to being clever and adaptable, Miroku is just plain nice. He is polite and treats all people with the same respect he would expect to receive, tending to speak formally and always with a compliment at the ready. Hailing as a Good Samaritan, if you will, Miroku spends most of his time helping others. He travels the countrysides seeking out demons to be purified, and then humbly accepts only food and lodging for the night in recompense for his troubles. He never overstays his welcome, and is always gone by the following morning, if not sooner.

Of course, this may have something to do with the fact that he tends to rob his hosts blind.

Yeah, okay, who are we kidding? Miroku might look like a priest, walk like a priest, and talk like a priest, but he sure doesn't think like one. He uses his status as a monk to dupe wealthy families and his silver tongue to sweet-talk all the ladies of the land into presenting their bosoms and bottoms for his groping pleasure. In short, Miroku is a cagey womanizing con-man with insatiably sticky fingers on his wandering hands. He'll ask any pretty girl he comes across if she'll bear his children and never passes up an opportunity to cop a feel, regardless of how many times he gets slapped across the chops for it.

Of course, there's a little more to him than that--Miroku is certainly not a book to be judged by his cover. The polite young monk with the gentle eyes and pleasant smile, the flirtatious youth with roaming eyes and hands, the conniving con-man with a kleptomania problem... they're all just suits he wears when the situation deems them conducive, but they're just facets of a much more intricate persona beneath. Miroku may act like a carefree ninny a lot of the time, but the truth of the matter is that for the most part, he's smiling to cover a grimace, and laughing because otherwise he might break from the pressure of simply existing. He has lived almost his entire life carrying death in the palm of his right hand--when he was a young boy, his father was killed by the Kazaana right in front of his eyes. Needless to say, it left a lasting impression. Knowing that unless he manages to defeat Naraku--a feat neither of the past two generations of his family was able to do--he will die the same gruesome death his father and grandfather did, Miroku has adjusted remarkably well to his lot in life. The grim path before him has made him strong and proud rather than fatalistic, and he lives each day as fully as he can, knowing just how potentially numbered they are.

It might look bad on his part for a Buddhist monk to accept any payment for his services and then rob his hosts, but Miroku only accepts payment (or helps himself, as the case may be) when the family can obviously afford it. He sees little harm in skimming off the top of the fortunes of wealthy families to aid his own survival and that of his comrades, and often the fruits of his efforts are shared among those less fortunate than he is. He never hesitates to put his own goals on hold to help someone in need, and he never accepts more than a place to crash for the night or a necessary meal from those who do not live extravagantly. He has been known to stick his neck out for people in need without prompting, and though he may partake of a little skirt-chasing during these ventures, Miroku does seem to genuinely like helping people. His reasons for becoming a monk are never really confirmed, aside from the fact that both his father and grandfather before him were monks, but despite a bit of a delinquent streak, Miroku has a genuinely good heart and is always ready to help someone who needs it.

Though he is formidable in combat even without the use of his Kazaana, Miroku is not a braggart like his dog-eared comrade tends to be. He sees his skills as a necessary adaptation to his life rather than something to be particularly proud of, and though the Kazaana is an incredibly deadly and formidable weapon, he prefers not to draw attention to it, as knowledge of it destructive power has made people shy from him in the past. Miroku goes out of his way to never harm an innocent life, however fear and knowledge of the Kazaana is not uncommon and has left him somewhat wary of using it in front of strangers.

That's not to say he doesn't know he's a badass. He may be only human, but don't let that fool you--he knows his limits and how far he can push them, and most of the time he pushes them hard. When he takes on a youkai, chances are he' going to win, and when it looks like things might go south, well... he knows he has a team he can count on, but Miroku usually knows when to quit. Miroku is not afraid to die--he knows that if his curse claims him, it was always his destiny--but his hatred for Naraku and his loyalty to his friends gives him the courage to be hopeful: he's not going down without a fight. Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, and Shippou are more dear to him than his own life, and even if using the Kazaana means shortening his own lifespan, Miroku is always prepared to make that sacrifice if it means saving them.

Despite his youth, Miroku has an air of wisdom about him; his plight has tempered him and forced him to choose his battles carefully, to know when to use his deadly weapon and when to rely on his other skills. He is perceptive and can read people well, which not only allows him to react to situations and adapt quickly, but it also makes him good for moral support when the team needs it. He is patient and rarely loses his temper or becomes flustered during difficult battles, and is willing to take the necessary time and effort to make certain the job gets done with the least amount of casualties. He usually has some sage advice for his comrades, and even when there's not anything that can really be said, Miroku does endeavor to reassure the others. He tends to act as an older brother figure to Inuyasha especially, often advising him on his rather unique troubles with Kagome and Kikyou, and he has turned his ear to Sango willingly on many occasions when the situation with her brother has left her floundering.

In summation, while Miroku has his flaws, just as anyone does, he always makes an effort to do right by the people he cares about, and they know who they are. Despite his tendency to let his fingers do the walking, as it were, Miroku (almost) always has the greater good in mind, and would be first in line to stand up and defend his friends, no matter how great the cost may be.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
Miroku is physically quite strong and agile, and has exceptional combat skills. His tangible weapon of choice is a shakujou--a monk's staff--which is a shaft with a decorative golden head. The rings that adorn the head are symbolic of the virtues of Buddhim, and the jingling sound is said to not only ward off demons (unless you happen to be Inuyasha or Shippou, apparently), but is said to also be forewarning to creatures that dwell in the grass or along the road that someone is walking, so that they might make certain to be out of the way. What a courteous weapon. Miroku, however, seems more interested in using the shakujou to kick ass and take names, and does a damn fine job of it. Though the weapon has no real blade, he has taken down many an opponent with his trusty staff. It also serves nicely as a walking stick. Other tangible weaponry includes ofuda, which are essentially ward seals. These are slips of paper that have incantations written on them, and can be used to purify demons as well as seal areas off to keep demons in or out. They can also be thrown as projectiles. Miroku has also been seen using spiritual salt, which is salt that is blessed and causes demons pain. It can also be used as a mild ward.

Intangible weapons would include the Kazaana in his hand, which can suck up pretty much anything, regardless of size or shape. Miroku has also had extensive training all his life and can thus withstand a greater amount of shouki--evil power, essentially--than a normal human. It does still affect him after he's been exposed to it long enough, but not nearly quickly or as much as your average human. He can also put up barriers using his spiritual power. These barriers can vary in size and strength, but are capable of being large and strong enough to protect several people from physical and spiritual attack for a surprising amount of time, depending on Miroku's current state of health, as it requires a great deal of concentration.

Unfortunately, shortening his lifespan with every use is not the only detriment to using the Kazaana, however. Miroku has to be careful about what exactly he pulls into the Kazaana; it seems he's extremely susceptible to internal poisoning. While exposure to shouki doesn't seem to affect him unless in great concentration, he discovered fairly early on in his fight against Naraku that pulling the saimyoushiou--demon wasps--into his Kazaana was crippling. A mere few of these large, poisonous insects drawn into the Kazaana can put Miroku down for the count, and pulling in too many could kill him. It is unclear whether or not he is susceptible to all poisons or just the saimyoushou's poison in particular, but I lean toward the former, personally.

Of course, his most visible weakness is the fairer sex. His lechery is kind of a running gag through the course of the series, but in all honesty, he's a 19-year-old boy. Of course he's a perv. It would be weird if he wasn't. (Bear in mind that while he is well-known for his catphrase, "Would you bear my children?", he doesn't seem to ever actually act on this apparent sexual drive.)

[ Other Important Facts ] :
It's time for another installment of Kari Thinks Too Much About the Characters She RPs! Today's character: Miroku. I never cease to be amazed at all the little mythology Takahashi puts into her characters, really. Miroku's name wasn't just arbitrarily chosen because it sounds cool--though admittedly it does. The name 'Miroku' is a reference to the Buddha of the future, or Maritreya in sanscrit. The Maritreya is the fifth Buddha, and is actually a completely different entity from that jolly guy with the long earlobes and fat belly people rub for good luck at the local Chinese restaurant. According to legend, approximately 5.6 billion years from now, the Maritreya will descend to earth and save all of those souls that could not be saved. No pressure, Miroku.

[ Sample ] :
He was cold. That in and of itself wasn't really all that alarming, considering what he'd just been through. Miroku was no stranger to the fever that came after facing Naraku's poisons in battle. While the Kazaana was certainly the most formidable weapon he had to offer, it was truly a double-edged blade. After the shouki-wounds he had incurred during the last battle, it really came as no surprise to him that he would awaken chilled to the bone. Maybe if he looked pitiful enough, Sango would sit near him and he could leech some body heat--she was usually kind when this sort of thing happened.

Of course, then there was the decidedly unusual fact that he was apparently soaking wet. That was certainly not expected, and for the brief moment between realization and actual cognizance in which he opened his eyes, he found himself wondering absently if the roof had sprung a leak. He would give the architect hell if that was the case. He was injured! Getting rained on was not part of his convalscence regime!

When he opened his eyes, however, to find himself sprawled out in the middle of a clearing with a peculiarly hard stone floor, he suddenly wondered if he wasn't dreaming. Fever dreams could be very strange, after all. Where was the hut? Where was Lady Kikyou? Where were Inuyasha and the others? He blinked a few times without moving, his gaze scanning the cockeyed view of the clearing where he lay on his side, his drenched robes sticking uncomfortably to his body. After a moment, he chanced to move, pushing himself up to his hands and knees and then grimacing, bringing a hand to his forehead, when a wave of dizziness washed over him. With a grunt, he braced himself on one arm, pressing the pads of his thumb and index fingers into his eye sockets as a harsh, grainy ache sort of roiled through his head.

What the hell was going on?

The pain passed, though the dizziness remained, and he opened his eyes again, this time casting his eyes about the whole area. It appeared to be some sort of village, but it wasn't like any village he had ever seen before. It had grand, stone roads, like the wealthy towns and the large cities, and the architecture was unlike anything he had seen before... but they didn't seem to be houses. Perhaps this was a market of sorts?

His robes were clinging to his legs, cold and clammy, and he made a face as he sort of staggered back to his feet, gripping his shakujou tightly and using it to balance himself. He wasn't particularly surprised that he was fatigued--the shouki-induced wounds he had sustained had nearly killed him. They would have killed him had Kikyou not purified them, and even thus, she had grimly informed him that his lifespan had been greatly shortened. This didn't really come as any surprise to him: he knew that his already numbered days were cut shorter and shorter each time he used his cursed Kazaana. What perplexed him was where he was, though, and how he had gotten here. This didn't look like any place he'd seen before, and though the strange little market was dotted with people, they were all wearing strange clothes unlike anything he was familiar with. More than that, he didn't recognize a single one of them. Miroku had been from one side of the land to the other in his day, so it was rare for him to go somewhere he didn't see at least one familiar face... but he didn't recognize of the people in this place.

And more than that, where were his comrades? If he had been spirited away to some strange land, what had become of them? Was this another of Naraku's illusions? It was never really out of the question, but he couldn't imagine Naraku's minions had found them so quickly, so silently, that they had been separated with absolutely no knowledge of it.

He was tired and cold and he was still feeling woozy (from the shouki wounds or from something else now, he wasn't sure), but Miroku had never been one to take anything lying down. Leaning heavily on his shakujou, he half-staggered toward the nearest building, hoping one of these unfamiliar people would be able to give him some answers--at least tell him where he was. If Naraku thought that taking him out of his element would hinder his quest, the demon was very, very wrong.

He spotted a pretty young lady amid the other people in the strange market, and decided she would be a good place to start. At least if she didn't give him any useful information, he could probably at least get some sympathy points for being waterlogged and looking injured. He might even get away with leaning on her for support without getting slapped.

It was worth a try.

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : So uh... would you bear my children? *eyebrow waggle*


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