Yes. It was about time.
I finally went for completely redesigning There's nothing much new except the layout - I just decided that, after more than fiv-sev-eight *cough* years, css had to be somewhat used, tables had to go away and I had to stretch a bit the layout just because.
I am amazed that is being so visited o.O". Thank you for the support and please
drop me an email and tell me why you are still visiting this website, what's missing and what you were looking for. Oh, and also some bug-hunting would be good, since I quickly hacked css to death to get that look ^^. Anything wrong, please report [include your os and browser version please - also resolution would be cool].
I will not be able to fix it until november anyway I guess :P
Here's a list of what's new:
- Links Galore
- My 'about me' talks about me, like, forever.
- The 'contact' page is shameless, I even tought about adding some widget but thankfully didn't. Yet. I deleted any reference to my old private key [gpg/pgp], as I changed it and forgot about deleting the old one off my website. Will probably add the new one in the future. Little to no people uses keys anyway :)
- The 'Macabre' and 'Lust' pages have been cut off. I am not mantaining the tutorial archive for years, so.. blame it on copyright laws. You never know what you're gonna distribute. I also cut a ridicously enormous number of old pages there. Who cares anyway.
- Adapted some old page to fit the 'new style'
- Since I felt creative, I embedded Twitter on the main page u.u
- Bought more tulip bulbs for my garden [/me had some reward afterall]