[FIC] My First Job Ch. 6&7

Jun 24, 2010 20:57

here is chapter  6 &  7 - comments are welcomed :D

Title: My First Job
Rating: PG
Member/Pairing: Sho/OC
Author: Delikizzz
Summary: I am working as an assistant for a make-up artist; actually the make-up artist of Arashi. I, Buse, who used to be a simple fan started working for her idols. How did this happen to me? Haha... I wish I knew, I guess this is what you would call fate...
Warning: english is not my native lang. so there might be typos and so on...

Chapter 6

Today is their Dome concert; this was my first time going - well going to backstage to the Tokyo Dome so I was really excited. The dome was well- HUGE! I was totally in love with that place already.

The concert had started and I was watching it backstage when Amaya-san called me backstage to the room to clean up the make-up kit and pack everything. Being an assistant I was in charge of things like, cleaning and packing. But I won’t complain because I love my job.

I went back inside the room when Aiba started to sing his solo song. While I walked towards the room I saw Ohno and Nino changing into their next costumes. When I went inside the room Matsujun was already there but he took his towel and left to God knows where. I started to pack things up when someone entered the room- WHAM!- that person slammed the door open and I dropped the powder that I was holding and everywhere became white. Who the hell did just-

“Hahaha” that person started to laugh. Oh I knew it. This was too embrassing. I was covered with powder for God’s sake; and I had dropped everthing on the floor. I wish the earth could just swallow me up so that I could escape this.

“Stop laughing,” I said trying to look mad.

“haha, gomen Buse-chan but you look so funny!” now he was holding his tummy from laughing so much.

“If you had entered the room like a normal person and did not scare the crap out of me then this would not have happened.”

“Sorry but ano I did enter the room normal.” He said defensively.

“you just slammed the door!” I said, why were we arguing about this? “Anyways aren’t you supposed to change or something?” I said and started to collect the thing that I had dropped.

“Chotto, I will help,” he said and started to collect the materials.

“You don’t need to help go get changed”

“ie. I will help. There is Ohno’s than Nino’s solo after Aiba’s so I still have time.”

“Demo...” don’t they have like a tight schedule to follow, he should go and get ready.

“Buse-chan do you want to see me shirtless that much?” he asked, smirking.

“ehhh!!!!” I felt my face turn red under the white powder. “Nani, I am just saying because you guys have like a freaking tight schedule to follow. I DEFINITALY do not want to see you shirtless…” what was I saying again? I lost my train of thoughts when the image of him shirtless came to my mind.

“Okaay, just kidding…” he said then went to grab the brush and I did the same thing. His hand brushed against mine and this made my heart flutter. Nande? Then he held my hand and looked me in the eyes… Ehhh? What is going on? I was gazing back into his deep eyes.

“Sho-san please stand -by” someone entered the room and said. I quickly pulled my hand away and grabbed the eyeliner.

“hai!’ he said and walked toward the door, “Buse-chan; go wash your face it looks hilarious” he said smiling, before he exited the room.

Nani????? Why was he looking at me weirdly? Why was I blushing? He was probably looking at me like that because of the powder I concluded. I got up and looked myself in the mirror. I looked like a freaking ghost.


After a few days we traveled to South Korea, Seoul. I was so excited because I wanted buy a few albums of the Korean Bands that I liked like, Big Bang. Also it was my first time in Korea. During the day we had 2 hours off from work when we arrived to Korea because the people in charge of the stage had to fix some things.Technical difficulties as always. I was at the place where the stage was with Amaya-san.

“Anou Amaya-san, Can I ask you something?”

“Sure go ahead!”

“Do you know where I can buy albums? Like is there a close place here?”

“Yup I do Buse-chan.” She grinned at me, her tummy was growing everyday. “if you walk straight down this block and turn left you will see a huge store that sells CDs and DVDs.”

“Hontou ni arigatou Amaya-san!” I said, “umm…how old is the baby now?” I asked.

“Going into the 7th month.” She smiled. Ehh so I have been working for Arashi for nearly 2 month’s now. Time flies fast.

“Sugoii…anyways, thanks again Amaya-san” I said as I grabbed my purse and walked outside the arena.

The CD store was freaking huge! It had all the CDs that I wanted to get, except that I obviously did not have the money to do that. Buying like 20 CDs at the same time-Ha ha NO WAY. I started to wander inside the store and look at all the CDs.

Then I saw BoA’s latest single, and there was only one left. I reached for it at the same time as someone else. I looked around to see Sho standing next to me. Again he was holding my hand; well that was because I was holding the CD.

“Oh,” Sho said when he realized who I was and quickly pulled away,my hand was feeling warm from his touch.

“Hi, Sho-kun” I said, “Here,” I handed him the CD, “You can have it,”

“iee, you reached for it first so you should get it.”

“Its okay, you buy it. I am not a huge BoA fan anyways. I came here to buy Big Bang’s album, not BoA’s anyways.” I said and handed him the CD.

“demo…”he tried to insist.

I grabbed the Big Bang CD that was next to BoA’s. I tried to ignore Sho’s stares so I focused on the album’s cover. G-Dragon was biting his lips and he looked soo cute. “Kawaaiiii” I whispered.

“What? Who is kawai? Which one?” Sho asked,annoyed.

“umm no one in particular. Aww come on tell me…” he said.

“Oh look they have Arashi CDs too!” I said trying to dodge his question and grabbed one of the Arashi albums that came to my hand. It was their Time album where Sho is standing in the middle with his arms crossed, his expression- Ahhh he looks soo Kawaii in this one.

“Kawa-“I tried to stop myself from saying the word by clasping my hands in front of my lips but I said most of it anyways.

“Which one?” sho asked again this time smirking.

“No one in particular. All of you look cute. See- " I showed the album to his face. Then I realized something, Sho had hell lot of make up on his face compared to the other members.

“hahahaha”I started cracking up.

“Why are you laughing?” He asked, confused.

“Look at that album cover. Did you see your face and the make-up?” I hold my tummy because it started to hurt from laughing. “You have more make-up than anyone else. Even I would not put that much makeup on my face.” This was too funny why did not I realize this before?

“Haha so funny,” he said sarcastically. “I am not in charge of things like this but you guys are so if you don’t like it than you guys can do something better next time. Also I think I look really kakkoii”

“Of course you do Sho-kun, of course you do,” I said and patted his back like a little kid.

“Hey- Are you mocking me?!“ he said and messed up my hair with his huge hands.

“No fair.” I said, “How dare you Sho-kun!” I said and slapped his arm. My hair looks like a bird’s nest I thought as I looked at the mirror I grabbed from my bag.

“Itai,” he said, “you hit like a guy!”

“No I don’t!” This conversation was getting weird but he really looked in pain. “Oh did I slap that hard? Gomen let me see your arm.” I said he was wearing a sleeveless shirt so it must have hurt a bit. I grabbed his arm to get a better look,

”Let me see…” it was kind of red, haha! Bu then I realized what I was doing, holding onto his sturdy arm.

“gomen,"i quickly let go "its really red” When I looked up I saw him looking at me with that weird expression again. Umm… I don’t want to look into his eyes anymore but I did anyways.

“Ano, I will go and buy my Big Bang Album then”I said.

“Oh hai,” he said and shook his head as if he was disapproving of something.

“Ja ne” I said and walked to the cashier. I looked back before exiting the store and saw him look at the time album and smile. What was that smile for??

Chapter 7

I woke up as I heard someone banging on my door. Dare?? I had just came back from Korea. I wanted to sleep a bit more, ugh! I got up and dragged myself towards the door. That person was still ringing my doorbell.

I opened the door- “what the HELL!!! Are you trying to break my doorbell or something?!” I shouted at the person but I was surprised as I got a bear hug. My eyes popped out huge when I saw who that person was- My cousin, Duygu!

“Ahhh can’t breathe” I said and pushed her back. “ what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in Turkey right now? Why didn’t you call me before?” Ahh what was she doing here? I really love my cousin, she is actually my favorite cousin but why didn’t she call me before?

“Will you let me in first?” she replied back in Turkish.

“Oh yeah sorry, welcome- go inside” I said and wanted to help her carry her baggage but she did not have any.

“Umm where is your bag?”

“At the hotel?”

“Hotel? Aren’t you gonna stay at my place or my parents’?”

“No, I came here because of my job, we had and off day today so I came to visit you and have some bonding time. It has been a year since I saw you.”

“Oh yeah.” My cousin worked in Tourism so she must have brought a group of tourists from Turkey.

“Matte! I mean wait why did not you tell me before hand? I could have made plans and stuff…”

“Since you are always free I did not think I would have to ask you know.”

“But I have a job now. And I cannot skip it.”

“Whaaa you are working now? Oh my… my little cousin is now a working woman! Congrats” she said.

“what do you mean ‘little’? I am only 6 months younger you know.’

“yeah whatever” she said and pinched my cheeks.

“ Ah what am I going to do with you? You are still so childish” I said and laughed.

“HeyI am not childish, I am just a happy person!!” she replied pouting.

“yeah whatever so how is your Japanese going?” I asked last time I saw her she started learning Japanese. My dad’s parents lived in japan so my uncle was born in Japan, too. But then my dad moved to the States and my uncle moved to Turkey. Dakara my cousin did not speak Japanese well even though my uncle worked his butt off to teach her.

“I am pretty good at it now. Nearly fluent actually,”

“Oh really?”

“Hai!” she replied.

“whoa, one word, amazing” I said mocking her.

“You know what I am going to my uncle’s house then” she said mad.

“I am just kidding. I will call my work and tell them that I am sick or
something so that we can spend time together OK?”

“Yay!!” she said happily and clapped her hands. She was really baka but cute at the same time.

I did not want to see him today anyways. I felt weird whenever I saw him for some reason I did not know; and I did not want to know. I called Amaya-san. She answered after the 3rd ring.

“Moshi moshi”*cough, cough* “Amaya-san this is Buse. Anoo…”

“Hi Buse-chan, what’s wrong?”

“Anoo I don’t feel really good today so can I call off for today?” I asked silently praying that she will say yes.

“Sure, Buse-chan? Daijoubu deska? I could bring over some hot tea,”

“Iee… You don’t have to, I will be going to the doctor anyways. Thanks again.”

“No problem. We have the day off anyways. I was about to call you. Since we are traveling to Shanghai tomorrow the boys have the day off after 3 PM so I can handle the work till then”

“Oh really? Arigatou.” I said and we hung up.

“So where do you wanna go?” I asked my cousin who smiled back happily.
We stopped at a nearby café to rest and eat lunch. We have been shopping since the morning, well actually she was shopping and I was just walking around.

“what time is it?”

“its 3:30” I said. “Okay, well I have to be back at my hotel by 7:00.”

“Awe really? I wanted to spend some more time with you.”

“Can’t be helped. Maybe you can come next time to visit me?” Ehh with this job I don’t think I can get a break long enough to go out of country.

“Yeah maybe…” I said, I did not want to bring her hope down.

“Can I take your order?” an annoyed waitress said. Ooops we did not even see her. We ordered two strawberry smoothies and veggie sandwiches and giggled at our baka-ness.

“So where are your tourists, you know your group?”

“oh today is their free day to go shopping and whatnot since we are leaving tomorrow.”

“Chotto matte. I am traveling to Shanghai, tomorrow so I might see you at the airport!”

“Really? YAY!!” then she stopped “ why are you going to Shanghai?”

“Because of my job. You will not believe who I work for,” I made her a fan when I became a fan the first time. I used to e-mail her their photos, videos and whatnot. “I am working for Aras-“

“hahaha” someone laughed as they entered the store. Wait I know I heard this laugh from somewhere before.

“Aiba-chan, urusei!” Nino said, “you are too loud!”

Ehhh Aiba-chan? No way? I looked up and saw Arashi enter the store. They were all wearing caps and glasses. However, it was obvious who they were. They were really loud! Then I saw Sho look our way. I quickly bent under the table.

“Buse what are you doing?” my cousin asked.

“Umm I dropped my fork.”I whispered. “Why are you whispering? And you are eating a sandwich for God’s sake you don’t need a fork, you don’t even have a fork or chopsticks.”

Why was she acting all smart now? “be quiet my boss is here and I do not want him to see me.” I said from under the table, looking for my ‘fork’. Then I spotted a pair of shoes. Crap.

“Oi! Buse-chan, what are you doing under the table?”

“Umm looking… for… my… fork…” I whispered.

“Really?” he said, “it looks like you don’t really need one.”

“Oh yeah, silly me!” I said as I got up and banged my head on the table.

“Itai!!!” I said and held my head. OUCH!

“Haha” both of them laughed.

“Umm,,, Buse who is he? Your boss?” she asked me in obviously Turkish.

“Duygu, he doesn’t speak Turkish so can we talk in English?” I asked her.

“of course!” she said with perfect English. Sho was still looking at me cluelessly.

“Anoo, dare?” he asked implying my cousin…

“She is my cousin, and um she does not speak Japanese so can you guys talk in English?”

“Sure…”Sho replied back and got himself a chair.

“your friends…”I said implying Arashi “where are they?”

“They are sitting over there at the back of the café” he said.

“Umm sorry I did not introduce you guys.This is my cousin, Duygu, she came from Turkey’ I said and “This is my, well boss Sho-kun”

“Nice to meet you” both of them said. Okay, my cousin still did not realize who she was talking to.

“yeah speaking of which” Sho said, “Aren’t you supposed to be sick?”

“Anoo… well you see…”

“Please don’t fire her. It’s my fault. I suddenly came to her house and forced her to spend time with me. I did not see her for a year you know.”

“Hahaha fire her? I don’t think I am allowed to do that,” he said.

“Ehh…”my cousin looked totally confused. “You look really similar? Where do I know you from?”

“I do?” Sho said smirking and looking at me, I looked away. Then the store started playing an Arashi song, perfect timing,,, UGH!

“Oh wait I know this song! Isn’t it your favorite bands’ song? Well actually I love them too you know. She kind of made me a fan.”

Then the SakuRap part of the song came. “Your favorite one sings this part, nee? The rapper, what was his name again?”

Yabai,yabai,yabai! My cousin should shut up now.

“Umm…Duygu I think you remember it wrong”I said trying to cover it up. After ignoring that question for so long now he knew who my ichiban was. I was afraid to look at his face because I knew he would be smirking…

“NO, I know I am right… What was his name again? Yeah I remember Sho, ne?” she said. Then stopped talking. She looked at him, then looked at me. Then she looked at him one more time.

“Ehhhh! No way! Are you-“I thought her eyes were going to pop out from its place.

"Way…”I said blushing.

“Well Buse-Chan” he said in Japanese “now that I know ho your ichiban is, I will go back to eat with the guys.” He had a huge smile on his face. “ja ne” he said and left.

“Okay I understood what he just said. So he did not know that you were his fan?”

“Oh just shut up. This is really embrassing thanks to you.”

“I am sorry, I did not realize-“

Then I smiled- “nah, its okay. Let’s go back home. When was your plane leaving again?”

Then the rest of the day we talked and I dropped her off at her hotel.

“Well then see you tomorrow. I will bid you good-bye at the airport Okay?” I said.

“Yup sure… Ahhh I wish I could see my Aiba-chan” she said smiling. Oh yeah, her ichiban is Aiba so she doesn’t really care about the rest much, figures- she couldn’t realize Sho at first.

“Maybe I will introduce you to him next time… See you” I said and drove off. What a day! Oh I did not want to face him tomorrow; I was too embarrassed to see him.

But I saw him anyways when I entered the airport.

“Hi Buse-chan” he said smiling at me.

“Hi,” I said looking at my time. I needed to go see my cousin. Her plane was going to take off in less than 30 minutes. “Umm… Sho-kun can you cover up for me please? I need to go say good-bye to my cousin. I just need 15 minutes.”

“Of course Buse-chan” he said smiling…I was in love with his smile-ehh scratch that- I just liked his smile but it was annoying me because I knew there was something behind it, “ I would do anything for my number one fan…”

“ehh… Look I am not your-“but he cut me off. “Aren’t you supposed to be going? Amaya-san is coming- shoo” he said and pushed me away..

“Shooo? Am I a puppy or something?” I said annoyed and went to find my cousin. I said my good-bye to her and told her to e-mail me every now and then.

Then I ran back to my plane. I only had 10 minutes to get there. I entered the plane before they closed their door. SAFE!
“Buse-chan where were you?”Maki-chan asked.

‘Gomen, gomen” I said as I sat down. Then l looked at my surroundings and saw Sho, Aiba and Nino sitting in front of me. Why couldn’t I get away from him? Anyways I was sleepy, so I fell asleep right away , and dreamt about him. Naze? I did not want to fall in love with him. I was working for him so this was a huge DAME!! But his deep eyes, adorable smile and dorky personality… who wouldn’t fall for him? I certainly did not want to. He was really nice and friendly towards me. Friendly- so I should see him as a friend ne?? Yup, I like him as a friend and nothing else, I lied to myself.

“Buse-chan wake up, the plane is about to land,” Maki-chan said as she poked my arm.

arashi, fanfiction:arashi

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