I know, ok, what's a tropical-blooded person doing complaining about the heat? Well you'd complain too if the thermometer in your kitchen window said 35°c. Last night I took a COLD shower, and about an hour after I'd gotten out of it I was back to square one, sticky all over again. So when J got back from hockey (it was cancelled when they got there because the hard court concrete FLOOR was SWEATING) we hauled the window-unit airconditioner out of the basement and squeaked it into the bedroom window.
hot cat is ded.
Given the option I'd rather not have airconditioning. It screws up my sinuses, and it almost always smells musty and bizarre. And now there's no open window space in the bedroom. And when you walk outside the heat always hits you harder than before. I prefer fans, but they dry out your eyes.
Anyway. We got into the swing of summer things last weekend by cleaning up the deck and starting our little container garden.
We began with the best intentions, but the store we went to didn't have a lot of options.
Orange mint? After awhile we just went with things that smelled good.
J likes big pots of mystery green things.
The best part about living on the top floor is you get to pretend you live in a treehouse.
The worst part is that our apartment is the hottest in the house.
(Pardon the crappy photos. It's so hot out there I didn't stay long enough to make sure I got decent shots.)