
Jun 07, 2010 17:42

These days I've been spending most of my time at home thinking about and writing my dissertation. There are all these things I need to do, and errands to run (like go out and buy coffee since we just emptied the coffee can this morning, and some fruit, because suddenly, for whatever reason, we've been craving oranges, and can't seem to get enough of them), but then I get stuck in this rut of "I haven't written enough yet; I can't leave my desk". And then I don't go out and buy the coffee and the fruit.

But what helps is this little grey furry creature that keeps me company in my study while I wrestle with my writing. She's a restless sleeper, always getting up and changing positions.

how many permutations of the letter "c" and "e" can you make?
Since it's warmed up, the study has been the warmest room in the apartment because we don't open the window very much. And we don't open the window because we haven't installed a screen for it as we're moving out in about 3 weeks and we can't really be arsed to do it (we tack up a mesh screen every summer). Anyway, Kitty will hang out with me while I'm pounding my thoughts (and, quite often, subsequently, erasing them or replacing them, or even just editing them...) out on various documents here at the desk. She'll curl up under my chair, wedged against the bookshelf, and I have to watch out everytime I get up to get some water or to pee.

Right now she's sleeping behind me, pillowed on my schoolbags, snoring her creepy little "crying ghost child" snore. eee.


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