
Jan 10, 2010 12:16

We caught Youth in Revolt yesterday. Yeah, another Michael Cera rom-com sad-sack movie. I was quite reluctant to spend time and money on what I thought was going to be yet another rom-com sad-sack movie, but about 15 minutes into the show I changed my mind.

Now I know J likes Cera to a certain degree, but not quite enough to watch everything. He missed Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist, for example - it just wasn't appealing. But anyway, part of the reason J really wanted to watch YiR was because Justin Long is in it.

So yeah, it begins like any other rom-com sad-sack virgin-looking-to-get-laid movie. Nothing new right? Surprisingly not that boring, or even that predictable at all. I guess the issue is presented in a rather different way, and the characters really drive the movie, and are intriguing enough to make me feel for them. It also helped that Steve Buscemi played Cera's character's dad, and it was a lovely little role.

The only thing that bugged me about the movie, probably the same reason I didn't end up watching (500) Days of Summer was the god-awful, annoying semi-ironic, pseudo-intellectual hipster way of speaking the main characters (Cera, Doubleday) had. Good grief. It made me want to tear my ears out. It was what I'd imagine living on Queen W-W would be like. Sure, there were some great lines, but by and large most of the conversations had me rolling my eyes in pain. Still, worth a watch if you don't mind the language.

Michael Cera may be the next John Cusack, but he's just not that good-looking.

We finally received New Super Mario Bros.. We ordered it from amazon's US site before Christmas, had it shipped to thymia, who then mailed it to us. It took about 3 weeks. bah amazon.

We cracked it yesterday and got to playing. I was really apprehensive because I really suck at Super Mario.

We haven't broken up yet! Haha. It's not an easy game. Playing 2-player co-op means we're constantly stealing each other's power-ups and bumping each other off the screen or into various enemies, or even swallowing and spitting each other out into pits with Yoshi. All by accident, of course. J is by far the better player, I'd say he's a Mario expert, and he's being extremely patient with my inability to jump large gaps or heights of certain distances. He's spent a bit of time waiting at the top of the screen while I negotiate weird moving blocks and swings several times from the bottom. Several times. Over and over again as I keep falling off, sliding off, jumping too far, or not far enough. Ridiculous.

But we're having an incredibly good time. It's crazy, insane fun, and we both have that ADHD 100%-completion thing, so we keep going back to completed levels to look for the big coins and secret passageways.

I'm really glad J is my co-op video-game partner. :)

movie, games

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