
Mar 23, 2006 22:33

I'm not trying to be repetitive and boring, but I hate sleeves. I probley put in two hours on my 18thc. jacket project on figuring sleeves and got NO WHERE!!! it's pathetic, really. What I realized I've been doing wrong is draping the sleeve too low. If this was an 1860's garment, I suppose that would be ok, but since it's not... it's not ok. lol. So I realized that about 20 minutes ago, realized I had wasted my time, and then came on the computer to rant. so that's that.

I REALLY wanted to make more progress on this project before I left town, but ended up accidentally winning The Sims 2: University on ebay (meaning I really shouldn't have bought it becasue it is such a time sucker and takes me a way from real life and responsibility). So I've been on that a bit too much. Maybe I should re-sell it.

I also got a job at the Library, but don't know how I am going to be able to shelve books without reading the title and first page of every one! Ahhhhh!!!!! the temptation!!! lol. Good night!

edit: I've been thinking more about the "seam too low" issue and have come to the conclusion that the sleeve is not to low. just a little too low. I keep thinking og my modern sensibilities of what is comfortable and do not realize that if I want to be period accurate, the sleeves may not be comfortable. so there. I feel triumphant!!!
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