TAX SEASON IS OPEN! (and I'm totally not ready...X_X)
So to hurry up and get my income taxes off (cuz I'm self employed), I have to a. balance my budjet (which I haven't done for a while) b. balance my checkbook (which also hasn't been done for a while, but hey I still have over 2,000 bucks in there so it doesn't matter that much) and c. refrain from loosing my mind and anything else I'll need to succeed in college.
Oh yeah, homework is also supposed to be in there somewhere, but due to that one snow day I dont have any precalc homework because I finished it last weekend *insert horray here* Sociology on the other hand is my downfall cuz my teacher is giving us yet another reading assignment. At least I dont have to visit places I'd feel uncomfortable...
Like that porn shop. *shudders* (please do not comment about that)
Another thing that bugs me is that the artist anatomy book is checked out and I can't get it till February. XD I need that book for my independent study!!!! Either that or I'll have to get a card at the IC public Library so that I can get more books and possibly some manga for light reading. Keheheheheheh
Oh yeah, on the topic of my costume for anime Iowa, I'm going to create a costume of this: AND
This: i'm going to be childhood sakura (which i can't find a decent picture of at the moment)
I gots my work cut out for me, but I got the cloth and I'm borrowing a sewing machine from a friend of mine, which I'll be working quite hard on. Now all I need for the wand is pink duct tape and those 3D glow in the dark stars. Keehhehehehehehe. I can't wait. Hehehe.