Jul 24, 2007 14:53
My Ethics presentation sucked. You know why? The person who went before me basically said my entire presentation, to the point that I had nothing to say. >_<
I feel like the worst presenter on the planet. Please...someone put me out of my misery..
Okay only 1 assignment left, which will be....the Ethics final. *GASP* I basically have to write 3 mini papers (2 pages long instead of 3). O_o Actually the papers I look forward to. I want to do well on my final. *puts on determined face* Must get A....must get A....
If I get a C in the class I sooooo going to re-take it. grrr...
Anyway, so my day has gone from "REALLY HIGH STRESS LEVEL" to "Time for a nap". After thursday I get 3 weeks off before school starts up again. >_> Hehe, 3 weeks of freedom to paint, draw, write, and sleep~! Oh my life just blossomed again!
Oh yeah...then I have to prepare for the fall semester. >_> damn.
Meh, painting and childrens lit should be fun. :D
Oh Tomrrow I'll be going to bible study. Maybe getting some christian friends will perk me up again. *feels kinda sad and lonely*
Anywho! Till laterz!