I'm on vacation until Monday.
I actually took the rest of this week off. I did bring work home with me, but I refuse to check my email or log into MSN until Monday. I so need this break.
We have been working crazy hours. You know the whole recession thing? It doesn't seem to be having too much of an effect on the number of RFPs that have been released. We're talking about 4-6 proposals due a week these days, which is just insane. I've been working 60-80 hours every week since November, excepting Christmas (which is exhausting anyways).
And I'm tired. It's been bad enough lately that the illustrious Auntie is letting me sleep whenever I get time to. Generally, she's pulling me out of bed to actually accomplish something around the house when I have the occasional day off, but these days she's leaving me alone.
Example: I got a Saturday off a couple of weeks ago, and slept like the dead--for over 20 hours. I woke up and had a bit of freak out 'cause I don't normally sleep that much and I know that she had stuff that she wanted my help with. Her answer though: "Obviously you needed it." I so do love my Auntie.
So, yeah, I need a break. And I'm off for 6 whole days. I did nothing but sleep yesterday, which was odd, but very, very nice. I should probably attempt to accomplish something today, but we'll see how that goes.