Aug 28, 2004 19:39 employee...who live across the street....just brought me a frozen alligator...hurt me (midori...coconut schnapps(?)....pineapple juice...vanilla ice cream) better get me the liquor tomorrow since I am definately having that tomorrow night when Andrea and mossy come....mmmmmmm
hot as hell day...feaking sticky.....the boy was working on the deck adn I was stuck in the deli...anyone who knows me,knows that is not my happy spot...errr.......but it was crazy busy and all went okay....
I am now working on beth's new bag (1/4 done)...and a hat to match the catepillar neck warmer....
things I am looking forward 6:30 walk with Andrea...always a hoot...we laugh the whole time and most likely wake up the neighbors...sunday night family dinner....Andrea, Mossy, and Perry our carpenter....we cook out and laugh and have a great time...tomorrow night is tex mex....blackend chicken baby....and finally hoooo.....
I am going to get the upstairs cooler now.....(turn on ac's and fans big time)...
night night!