Titles and formatting

Jan 23, 2008 03:20

So, I think about titles and formatting A LOT. I really like accounts that have consistent titling practices that make it easy to scan the bookmarks, but of course, since I want them to look *just right*, I'm constantly changing mine and unable to decide what looks best.

I think I've tried out all these things for fic (I don't even know where to start with non-fannish bookmark titling or things like bookmarking LJ posts with wallpapers and other miscellaneous graphics, omg):

Fandom: Title
Fandom: Title (Character/Character)
[Fandom] Title
[Fandom] Title by author (Character/Character | RT | 0,000w)
[Fic: Fandom] Title by author (Character/Character | RT | 0,000w)

Other formats I've considered/am toying with:

[Fic] Fandom - Title by author
[Fandom] Title by author - Character/Character, RT, 0,000w.
[Fic: Fandom] Title by Author: Character/Character, RT, 0,000w.
[Fic: Fandom | Character/Character | RT | 0,000w] Title by author

...and many more! But I'm sure that gets the basic point across.

So do you have a titling convention or preference? As is probably apparent, I enjoy listing fandom first, and am having fun abusing [] and (). I think that last one would be really strange looking, but I do sort of like the way it's all just in one set of brackets. I'm not sure how much I like the idea of adding in the "-" yet but I've seen some people do it in LJ titles and it doesn't look awful. I'm waffing about how useful the fic/vid/meta/art prefaces are. *waves hands* It's just hard to figure out what's useful to put where in the title because it seems like everyone's going to be browsing by different tags, including myself.

satisfy my curiosity, ask me about my system

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