WARNING: Long, but potentially entertaining and useful rant on thoughts I've been mulling over.

Nov 09, 2007 10:10

You know, if USA(NAU***?)/the Middle East/China/Russia/North Korea start a global fuck-off-huge nuclear rapefest and I didn't die in the initial blasts of armageddon or the fallout immediately after, I think I would do pretty okay in a post-apocalyptic setting. I'm comfortable with the handling and use of firearms. I would be able to sacrifice survival for morality/civilty standards but only to a point, which is needed to keep your sanity, but only just that. I wouldn't say... boil a kitten and suck the meat off it's bones, but I would eat a feral stray dog if it wasn't too adorable, and I would kill a man in defense of myself, my family and my friends. I'm pretty good at whipping up efficient stop-gap solutions to problems until I can deal with them on a bigger scale. I'm easy to entertain, I'd probably just raid stores and smoke weed all day, maybe take up shrooms.

I think if I lived mostly empty wasteland full of a bandits or something, I'd thrive somewhere on the outskirts of some decent sized burg like Daytona, but not much bigger. I'd carry an assault rifle, harvest old gas stations/fuel tanks for fuel for my generators, which I'll have like 5 or 6 working ones in a makeshift shed beside a trailer, which are surrounded by chain link fence with barbed wire and shit. Not for people... but to keep the bears and wolves and alligators and shit away, and allow the pack of dogs I plan on raising.

It occurs to me that it's a pretty big deterrent against people who bear you ill will to simply have a one-digit amount of canines who are loyal to you surrounding you at all times, and when you're awake you make sure you are always visibly armed and visibly drunk or stoned or otherwise intoxicated. Even 10-20 people with decent armaments and strategy wouldn't want to tangle with that scene for the kind of shit I'd be worth if they ripped me off. I'd help anyone that came along, either teach them to survive as best I could or even take them in if they can put some work in helping with upkeep and shit. Give out my excess, that kinda shit, so there'd be no reason for ill-will towards me.

With 6-8 dogs that I raised from puppies or at least young enough to become pretty loyal, an ak-47/some kind of shotgun on my back, a good semi-auto handgun or possibly a looted and much beloved machine pistol(mac, mini-uzi, some kind of ghetto blaster) it would be too costly for anything but a large group of well-armed, well-coordinated coordinated individuals to attack me. It's not worth getting shot by me, or mauled by my dogs just to steal my 2 guns, whatever food I might grow in small garden patch, the gas or the generators or whatever utilitarian vehicles I have chosen to use. Especially if I'm willing to share for free when possible, or at least barter fairly.

The rundown of what I'd do in the event of the end of civilization(not the world or mankind):

1.Try to figure out how bad it is within several mile radius, I actually know what to do to optimize my chances when in visible range of a nuclear disaster but not close enough to be immediately annihilated, or I could take immediate steps to prevent zombie overrun before they numerous.

2.Hop on a bicycle and assess the situation by traveling to nearby friends' homes and alerting them to my plans. If there's no phones/tvs/radio, the next day I'll go to the next nearest town in the opposite direction of the biggest source of calamity.

3.If any one of my friends and their family who owns firearms is dead(most notably Doug) procure firearms (a pistol and shotgun/rifle and ammo). If they or their kin are still alive, borrow whatever I can until I loot a gun store, with the promise to bring them supplies as well.

4.Find secluded spot, running away from anything I can't safely deal with until in a desirable location free of immediate danger(far from blast craters/on an island away from zombies/near a medium-sized city)

5. If shit is really fucked up I can live using nothing but my own personal survival knowledge in the wilds around here indefinitely, barring extreme circumstances. I would attempt to move close to a lake or freshwater body if I could, inland, to avoid the worst of the hurricanes, further South, for the sub-tropical climate and distance from what might remain of humanity(if need be). I could make fire with little or no tools, get water from rain/springs/boiling/distilling. I could fashion progressively better shelters working up to small thatch-roof hovel from scratch. I can live off wild veggies or nearby farms, eventually beginning a small garden. I know how to make/place various small traps/snares/nets for rodents and wild pigs and the like, begin mastering hunting, starting with domestic animals if I have to. I know how to clean a kill, albeit inefficiently, and even make basic implements for crafting tools or useful items from bone and other animal pieces. Build enough of an enclosure to keep a dog penned comfortably in if I could provide for it. If it wasn't an indefinite situation, I would do this as long as needed until I could engage in:

6. LOOTING. The most important variable in my existence after some world-wide cataclysm. It means the difference between 'surviving' and 'thriving'.
I could raid stores and homes for vehicles, gasoline, generators, tools, supplies and books on how to steal/repair/build/maintain/improve everything I'll ever need:

go to Walmart or a mall or whatever load up on supplies(tent, food, more ammo etc).
Learn to fix whatever might be wrong with an automobile if they are all incapacitated.
Hole up in house or build temporary fence around campsite until I can get a working truck.
Steal trailer, build better fence if possible
Rescue stray dogs, and try to breed them or steal pups to train. Loot necessary pet supplies. They wouldn't have to be badasses. If something approaches they'd either scare it off, alert you or defend your territory.
Steal an entire shed or build a shitty hut(easy if you don't need it to look pretty).
Steal multiple generators for redundancy
Begin harvesting gasoline from gas stations and old cars. Steal another car for backup.
Hook trailer and luxury items to generators, possibly build a second, electrified fence if needed, maybe add floodlights etc etc.

Then I would spend my days hunting/scrounging/harvesting food and water for myself and my dogs... all the while using free time to study books to improve the comfort and efficiency of my life while doing whatever pot/liquor I can produce, and provide myself whatever entertainment I can via stolen music, movies, video games and recreational reading.

Voila. That's the bare bones of my survival plan. The hardest part that I don't immediately know how to do is provide a long term, relatively simple, way to feed and water more creatures than myself so I can take care of multiple dogs. People who might join my household I can have help farm and hunt for their share, and we'd get better at it with study and practice. Q single livestock animal/chickens are pretty easy to sustain. The dogs, however, I would have to actually take care of if I kept them around.

PS: feel free to poke holes in my plan or ask questions if you want. If you make a valid point, I can append my knowledge or change my plan accordingly.

PPS: This is also my plan for a last man on earth scenario, but with decidedly less masturbating and effort to provide distractions for myself via luxury items... IE sex toys and pornography. If I'm the last man on earth I'm stealing the finest in masturbatory paraphernalia.

Bear in mind, if immediate looting is possible, things like solar panels and generators mean the only thing I regularly enjoy right now that I couldn't provide myself is online capability. This would be moot, as I can get any CD book, or movie I would ever need to fill the free time I'd have.

*** NAU stands for the N.orth A.merican U.nion. Our government is trying to dissolve our borders with Mexico and Canada, and make us one huge superpower. They want to do this without our consent, against or wishes(preferably without our knowledge) and solely for economic gain. It's not even particularly beneficial for the majority of the 3 involved nations.

Google/youtube it if you've never heard this before, this is REALLY something I don't think you should be ignorant of.
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