Feb 16, 2009 16:52
This week is looking to be nutty. I have a big goal for work this week (150 new contacts) and I have personal projects (paperwork stuff) that I REALLY want to get done this week also.
Wish me luck. Encouragement would be lovely. :)
My reward? Dancing at Faces on Saturday!
I will probably try to post about this again later in the week but I don't know if I'll get a chance.
SO, if you want to join us for super fun dancing on Saturday please let me know! I've been jonesing for a good night of dancing for at least a month and I'm looking forward to getting my fix. I'd love to see you! I'm guessing we'll get there around 9 or 9:30ish. People can probably meet/get ready our house if they want to and anyone who wants to carpool and crash on our floor is welcome. (I'll whip up some breakfast Sunday morning for anyone who's still here.)