Hey all! So, I don't know what the protocol for this is since there isn't a precedent. I've just written 1200 words of prologue for Graeme's story as it seems to be developing, and lo and behold, a plot has struck me. Now, EBZ fiction straddles that weird grey area between fanfic and original work, and as such any solo fiction I post to the Internet and share about Graeme should be put under lock.
Nevertheless, I really want to share it with you all, and possibly spread this idea around, considering that everyone playing this game is involved in each others' stories.
So! I've created a community for my posting of Graeme's story under said lock,
no_ones_boy, and I entreat you all to come by and request membership! I won't be obnoxious about posting chapters to this community or anything--this is the only time I plan on advertising
no_ones_boy here.
Thanks all! Hope to see you there!