All In Black - Looks Like Those

Jul 17, 2004 16:16

Title: All In Black - Looks Like Those Part 2
Authors: deliciousfix and lonely_streets
Fandom: The Lost Boys Post Movie
Pairing: David/Trey
Rating: R
Warnings: Murder, Mayhem, Snark, Blood, Vampirism, Sex
Summary: David teaches Trey to feed and gets a surprise of his own.
Disclaimer: Don't own David or The Lost Boys concept. No money is being made, this is because we enjoy writing about hot vampires.
Author's Notes: Trey is an original character, introduced in Escapism, Series title and chapter titles from the song All On Black by Alkaline Trio.
Previous Chapters Here

Trey could sense the violence in David, but then you'd have to be stone not to sense it. It rippled off of him like a heat haze and right now, that was as intoxicating as the feel of his body and the taste of his mouth. He finally moaned more loudly, the pain of his bruised lips and tortured scalp acting like lighter fluid on a fire rather than deterring him. Sliding his arms the rest of the way around David's neck, he worked his own fingers into short snowy locks and hung on even when David pulled back for a moment. He growled back at the other vampire and gave a small, reckless squirm before their mouths slammed back together. Oh, fuck, yes!

Fingers clenched in his hair and that touch only made David’s kiss more brutal, teeth scraping at the soft flesh of Trey’s lower lip. He tasted the slight tinge of copper - Trey’s blood this time, not the girl’s - and that tang of flavor tore a rough panting moan from his throat. He lapped eagerly at Trey’s lips, pressing his body against the other vampire when Trey arched and writhed against him. Finally it seemed that kissing at Trey’s lips just wasn’t enough. David’s body was humming with red-hot pleasure, and he tugged Trey’s head to the side, nipping and licking his way down the line of his neck. Sliding his fingers beneath fabric, David bared the skin where neck and shoulder met and latched onto it, teeth pressing hard but with just less than the force required to break the skin.

David was hurting him but he was also burning him alive with pleasure, with the want sizzling up his spine and pooling in his belly. Trey hissed faintly when his lip split and pressed harder to drag another moan out of David's lungs. Oh hell fuckin' yeah, Trey was squirming for real now, rubbing in slow steam driven drags of his hips and chest against David's with tiny whimpers breaking out between them. He didn't fight the hand in his hair drawing his neck to the side, feeling the skin bruise with another shudder and pulled David's head against him with one hand as if he might stop any moment. His free hand slid around under the other vampire's trench to dig his nails into the firm muscle under stretched taut cotton.

David dragged his tongue back up Trey’s neck, flicking out to trace along the curve of his ear, hot breath panting out against it. There was a hand clutching at him through his shirt, hips rubbing against him, and David couldn’t see straight for the lust burning in his gut. He should stop this, damn it, he should stop . . . but his hips were grinding forward of their own accord, rolling against Trey’s with a vicious need. He sucked at Trey’s jaw, tasting warm skin and the slight salt of sweat before their lips met again. David swept his tongue over Trey’s mouth before plunging it inside again with a growl, lips crushed together in another brutal kiss.

His brain was dissolving, forgetting where they were, what they had just done, everything but the hot tingle of David's tongue against the curve of his ear and the hard burning ridge of David's erection branding his hip. Trey clung harder, one leg bending to press his booted sole back against the wall and tip his knee out to give David more room to move and grind against him, small whimpering growls escaping him every few seconds. One tiny part of his mind wondered at the fact that he could even get hard while the rest of him shuddered at the thick need clawing at his guts. His fingers tightened, unconsciously pulled and scraped at David's body as if he might move away, biting at the other vampire's tongue briefly before he tangled his own around it in that feral kiss.

David snarled into the kiss as Trey moved his leg - the press of that thigh against his straining cock was absolutely maddening. His hips rolled forward, his own leg pressing between Trey’s to return that incredible sensation. Fingers were clawing at his body through his clothes and it only made David’s desire spiral higher, to feel how much Trey wanted this . . . wanted him. Sex was a nice diversion for David, and when Star was around he’d indulged in it repeatedly - even Dwayne or Paul couldn’t say no when David decided he wanted relief. But he could do without it; it had never been a pressing need. But this - oh God, this was lighting fires under his skin, and David felt like he was being burned alive.

Trey sagged against the wall, then arched up hard against that absolutely perfect thigh pressed up between his legs. He could die of wanting this much, needing this much, vampire or no vampire. He moaned roughly, pulling his head back from the brutal kiss to tuck his lips in against David's throat, licking in silky wet swipes that ended in small drags of his teeth. Fingers were fisted in David's tee shirt, tugging at it almost to the point of tearing, aching to get at the skin he knew was smooth and gorgeous underneath it. Fuck me, please, please, fuck me, the words hammered at his brain but went unspoken, nerves burning and twisting with savage lust.

A groan ripped from David’s throat as Trey thrust against him, the grind of the other vampire’s cock against his leg absolutely incendiary. He gripped Trey’s hair as that wicked tongue dragged over his neck, licks punctuated by light snaps of sharp teeth. With his leather-clad fingers tangled in long blond strands, he kept Trey pressed to his neck, tilting his head back, baring more pale flesh to that sinful mouth. Blue eyes fell shut with a moan, and David’s other hand slid down to curl against Trey’s lower back, pulling him as close as was physically possible. He felt his shirt nearly tearing under Trey’s fingers and couldn’t bring himself to care, despite the fact that it was about half his wardrobe that might be destroyed if those fingers tightened any more. All that mattered was the mouth on his neck and the body grinding against his own.

Just when Trey didn't think he could get any closer, David hauled him a short fraction tighter against his body and made the younger vampire moan in near desperation. He was hungry, so fucking hungry but it was the taste of David's skin he craved now. He bit at the collar of David's tee shirt, shoving it aside so he could suck at the vampire's collarbones with more sharp pricks of his teeth, moaning more loudly. His hips jerked, rolled in a sleek inviting undulation that gave the most possible pressure and contact for both of them. "Taste so fucking good," he muttered hoarsely and dug his nails into David's back.

Sure, it might not be a good idea to be doing this, but David didn’t give a shit anymore. Trey’s lips against his neck were damn near unraveling him, making him lust for more with every panting breath he managed to pull into his lungs. Trey’s hips jerked against his, and that rough sentence rasped out against his collarbone made David growl with desire. Suddenly those fingers dug into his back - dagger-sharp nails pressing fiercely into scars that were still tender, and for all David knew, might always be sore to the touch. He snarled with pain and anger, twisting away and slamming Trey hard against the wall. David dropped to his knees on the dirty floor of the alley, fingers flexing and curling, teeth bared as furious snarls and whimpers of pain fell from his lips.

His head snapped back against the wall hard enough he heard a sharp noise and saw white stars. For a moment, Trey didn't know what the fuck had happened and he snarled angrily at being so rudely pushed aside. Several blinks later and he realized that David was on his knees and not in the good "gonna suck you off" way either. He staggered as he shoved his hair out of his eyes and leaned over David carefully, one hand smoothing against the vampire's shoulder. "What's wrong? What'd I do?" He knew he had to have done something because he and David had been glued together like they were about to eat each other five seconds ago. A small sigh breathed out of him, because, hello? Horny. Very.

“Don’t touch me!” David jerked away and turned his head so Trey wouldn’t see the tears of pain that were bright in his eyes, no matter how much he tried to blink them away. His back was throbbing and he was almost convinced he could feel each and every one of Trey’s fingernails still embedded in those tender circles. They had healed into white patches of scar tissue, but nerves were still trying to knit themselves back together, unaware that it was impossible. Years would have to pass before those ugly marks went numb. Rasping gasps of pain were still forcing their way from David’s chest, but he had to tell Trey something. The poor bastard hadn’t meant to do it, after all. “You remember the scars on my back?” he asked, trying to keep those damned tears from choking his voice.

A fresh growl got caught in his throat between the angry jerk of David's body away from his hand and the suspiciously thick sound of the other vampire's voice. What the fuck? Trey narrowed his eyes and scuffed his boot against the dirty gravel before bending again and offering his hand. "Yeah, I remember. C'mon David, let me help you whatever it was that happened. You're still the boss, okay?" There was a wryness in his tone as Trey tried his best to blink away the physical lust that was still burning its way inside his veins.

“Well, it feels like you might have fucking clawed them wide open again,” David growled. “They . . . they’re puncture wounds. They go all the way through and out the other side. Haven’t healed all the way.” He tried to get rid of the angry tone of his voice. He wasn’t angry at Trey, just furious at the fact that he had the damn scars in the first place, and that they’d gotten in the way of that impassioned kiss. Despite the fact that David knew getting involved with Trey might turn out to be more trouble than it was worth . . . no one had gotten him that worked up in a damn long time, and never with just a kiss. Swallowing hard, David took Trey’s hand and let himself be pulled to his feet.

A wince drew Trey's brows together as he tried to imagine what that must have felt like to have something drilled through the gut. He shook his head, trying to clear it of the vision of that kind of pain. "M'sorry. Didn't mean to hurt you," he apologized sincerely. It was still hard to think, the kiss they had shared was like no other kiss in his short life. It left its mark on his lips and the flavor of David's skin was still on his tongue and he couldn't help but admire David's body as he stood up. His fingers tightened on David's hand once the vampire was standing again. "Let's get out of here, yeah?"

David nodded as he stood, wincing a bit, his own apology sounding foreign to his ears. “I know you didn’t. I . . . I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound angry with you.” He wasn’t used to apologizing for things, and tried to end it as quickly as possible. Trey was gripping his hand, and David cursed those damn gloves he was so used to wearing. They kept the blood from his hands, in more ways than one, but now he wished he didn’t have them so he could feel Trey’s warm fingers curled around his own. “Yeah, let’s get going,” he agreed. David glanced at the girl slumped on the ground a few feet away, deciding she could be left where she was. He didn’t feel like disposing of the body right now, and they’d mangled her neck enough that it appeared she’d been bludgeoned with a machete, not bitten by vampires. Someone would get a nasty surprise, but hey. Welcome to Santa Carla.

Surprise made Trey flash a quick grin at David and then squeeze the vampire's hand even through his glove. He didn't let go, trying his best not to even look at the dead girl they'd killed...fuck, eaten. He couldn't afford guilt, not in this new existence. Survival was what mattered now, and they were imminently suited to survive. "Don't worry about it, I've gotten a lot worse before. Next time, I'll be more careful." He was backing them towards the rear of the buildings, looking for a place they could safely take off from. "Can you fly okay?"

Next time . . . next time. David didn’t say anything to that comment, just thought about it for a moment and decided that yes, a next time sounded good. He let Trey tug him along behind the row of buildings, finding a place that was more open to the air. “Yeah, I’m all right. Goddamned good thing wings aren’t part of the package, though. Then there’d be a problem.” Bracing himself, David took off into the air. Flight didn’t bother his back much, and anyway, the fiery sting was fading into an irritating tingle. He had to admit that Trey’s takeoffs were improving rapidly when he discovered the guy almost right behind him. After that kiss, just having the younger vampire so close to him was making his skin warm. Hell yes, he decided. Next time couldn’t come fast enough.

Trey preened a bit when David didn't immediately shake off his hand, watching him for a few more minutes until he let go to take flight. Right behind the other vampire, he purred a note under his breath, running a hand through his hair. He could hardly wait to get David alone in the cave. Now he knew that the other vampire was far from indifferent to him and there was no reason he could see why they shouldn't be partners in more than one way. After all, they were bound together, weren't they?

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