Hey, it's a new post! No, I'm not resurrecting this journal, but I wanted to post this somewhere publicly accessible, and this was the best place for it I have.
Longshot Magazine put out a call for created media with the theme of "Comeback". I decided to take a shot at it by making a crossword puzzle of sorts, inspired by the creatively shaped puzzles I've enjoyed solving in Games magazine. I decided to incorporate words that physically "come back" by making a U-shape in the puzzle, and also to have the solution spell out the words of a famous witty verbal comeback. Or at least some bastardized version of one... I found many variations of the quote and no definite source for the exact phrase. Unfortunately, it wasn't selected for publication, but I thought I'd share it anyway. So, I hope you enjoy solving it! And let me know what you think -- was it easy? hard? fun?
If you get stumped, the answer can be found
(Full disclosure: the puzzle I submitted was slightly different -- one of the words was wrong and I improved a clue)
UPDATE: Trillian pointed out an incorrect clue. I fixed it.