" ..My true will / Carries me along.. "

Jan 26, 2007 20:53

I finished work last night after 1AM, and was tired enough to send maudlin, whiney SMS's to some friends. Sorry guys. That was very unlike me.

I was then rostered to to begin again at 11AM.

I got there a little late, having stopped for significant stimulant intake (a double macchiato) and a lovely chat with karmashka_sarah and evilelvis777.

The shift was hard, with overhanging sleep deprivation and physical fatigue. It was notable for a distinctly nonfunctional Transfusion machine, resulting in my performing close to 170 manual two-panel antibody screens. My hands and forearms are already tired, and I suspect they will be quite sore tomorrow.

I got everything done that I needed to, only doing an hour's overtime to tie up loose ends.

I was pleasantly surprised by something that happened during the most frustrating portion of the Transfusion duties.

I was muttering under my breath and making rude gestures at the machine interface when I became aware of, deep inside myself, a tiny quiet mote of fierce joy, like splintered light.

I stopped to observe it, and it seemed to expand and unfold under my inspection, washing over me like rain as I realised what it was. It was an incredible sense of rightness, of completion; a burning glory at serving my Purpose. I have always regarded my profession as my life's path, but had forgotten the joy that made working itself tantamount to an act of worship.

It felt like coming home.


And I've even got this weekend off. Two days not on call. Triple booked for tomorrow night(what to wear?) - I wonder how long this lingering glow will last.

reasons, addictions, gah, looking up, manifesto, work

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