Title: Perfect Disaster [RESERVED]
Setting: Deliciae - Friday, 8:45 PM -> Martedì Grasso, Venice, Italy, 1737
Characters: Suzuki Airi and Nakajima Yuuto
Rating: PG-13 for possible swearwords
After being chased out of school by a random teacher, Airi decided to get some exercise. Mainly- walking around Tokyo, window-shopping.
After passing by ten 7-11
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Whatever this thing was, it better be good.
“It’s right ahead!” Saihara yelled, swiveling his head and making sure Yuuto was still following. All he wanted to do right now was to go home and take a long, hot shower then talk to Mio-chan via webcam. Who cares if they broke up? They were still best friends. At least, he thought so. Maybe. Hoped so. Pulling his thoughts back to Saihara and the shop, he looked up at the name plaque. Deliciae. Sounded weird. Exotic. Hostess club like. What was this ( ... )
Just great.
Just when she thought she was going to do something interesting. This- guy from her school who happened to know her name, passed by. Talk about coincidence, this place wasn't that much known, either. The odds of finding a schoolmmate were near to one. Destiny? Was it destiny? Airi probably read too many books. It wasn't destiny, anyway. The guy had another guy to accompany him. The other guy wasn't that much good-looking either. What a pain.
"Who are you?" she asked. Stopping in her tracks.
The door shut without a sound and she swore she felt a bit of a chill in the air. Deliciae Boutique, as it was called. Was full of costumes. Costumes that actually looked... beautiful. At first glance, she thought it was for cosplay, but- these costumes looked too good for that. It was like- people made them for a living. Interesting, she thought, completely forgetting about the idiot behind her.
Airi spotted an elegant navy blue ensemble coupled with a party mask. She grinned.
What harm could a single costume do?
Lace and pearls and velvet and silk, these were expensive things. Did they sell this? There wasn’t a cashier, nor was there a price tag. Pushing those thoughts away, he smiled again. “It’d look good on you, you know?” Laughing softly, he shook his head, before the dressing rooms caught his eye. Maybe…maybe they were allowed to try all these on? Saihara did say something about wearing a costume, after all.
Blue was her color, after all. But, this dress- it sure was long. Something out of.. The Hunchback of Notre Dame. But- wait, that seemed too.. modern. This looked like something from Marie Antoinette. That was it. It looked- elegant. It looked like royalty. It was beautiful. She grinned.
Then, she spotted a matching one. For guys. With a mask identical to the one the dress had.
An idea hit her.
Airi tapped Yuto's shoulder.
"Hey. I have an idea-" she said, hand on his shoulder while smiling sweetly.
Surely, he won't reject her now. The poor, innocent boy.
And she was smiling at him. That was a first. He liked it, he decided then and there. “That’s good! Tell me, ne?” Returning her smile, he had no idea what tragedy awaited.
"I'll give you ten Pocky boxes if you do~" she nudged, grinning wider. Miraculously, her face hasn't broken in two... yet.
Of course, in his head, he was to wear that one for guys. Ay, for an honors student, he wasn’t very smart, and was completely lacking in the logic department. Oh well. “Come on then~ I have to get home before ten or else I’d lose my head.” He began to make way to the fitting rooms, arm outstretched to receive the costume from her.
bad move.
The changing room was oddly spacey. Three people could fit inside. And- there wasn't a mirror to see if the costume fit you perfectly. Nevertheless, she unzipped her uniform and got into the costume. The shorts (Shorts? Bermuda Shorts? Pants? Whatever it was) that she thought would hit under her knees, magically fit perfectly. The top, which she thought would make her fell large, strangely fit, too.
Then, there was the mask. She untied her bun and let her hair flow down her shoulders. She secured the mask and let go.
She looked down and saw boots on her feet.
What the-
Airi felt hungry, all of a sudden. She stepped out of the changing room and waited outside.
What was taking him so long?
The dress fit, even if it was a little heavy because of all the material, and admittedly, it was a pretty dress. Though, he was sure he didn’t look good in this because it was…well…a dress. Shifting in it awkwardly, the world began to become woozy and he panicked.
What. The. Hell. This was a bad idea. It was a very bad idea. He was going to murder Saihara tomorrow.
She hears shuffling on the other side and returns to her original position, admiring and whistling at the boots that seem to have appeared out of nowhere.
His face was still red, Yuuto was sure of it, and he was covering his eyes with one hand. This was one huge nightmare. He would wake up any moment now. But hey, at least she looked probably just as ridiculous as he di-“Wow, pretty,” the words left his mouth automatically. It fit her. She looked like a very girlish guy, but it fit her.
"Of course it's pretty, it's on me, doofus." She pulled him by the hand, careful not to damage the costumes, as they were not paid yet.
"I think I saw a mirror here, somewhere-" she said, boots thudding on the wooden floor. She thought she heard high heels stepping on the floor, then she figured it must have been him.
She spotted the mirror and snatched her hand away, and put both of them on her hips.
"See? We look fabulous."
Then, Airi sneezed.
Every changed once he blinked. New sights, new smells. Looked like Europe too. Inhale, exhale. Putting those yoga lessons in use, Yuuto turned, glancing at the girl with concern (hmm, her hair was shorter than he remembered it).“Suzuki-chan…tell me I’m dreaming or I was doing crack because where the hell are we?”
Then she saw the guy beside him- What was his name again? She was about to turn to him when she noticed she was.. towering over him. His hair was longer now-
Airi pinched herself.
When that didn't work, she slapped herself.
That didn't work, too. So, she looked down at her own breasts. She gasped when she felt them up.
She feels a little woozy before noticing that there were people. Everywhere. A Band was playing. This looked like a set in a movie. She looked around. How was this possible? Was it Time Travel? She shook her head.
That was impossible. It wasn't possible to Time Travel to the Past. She shook her head again, before she noticed that people started to dance.
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