{game rules}

Jul 07, 2009 22:51

✦ This is a livejournal based RP. Main game play should be posted to the RP community and not done on AIM, MSN, gchat, etc. If, for some reason, you decide to do some playing outside of the game, that's up to you, but at least ONE THREAD A MONTH must be done within the RP community.

✦ USE ENGLISH. This an English language RP and we expect players to have a grasp on vocabulary and grammar. Occasional mistakes are inevitable and ok, but be as careful as you can about your posts.

✦ NO GODMODDING. This means: dictating the actions of another player's character in your replies and/or forcing a player to go along with your plots. The most common issue is with OTPs. Everyone loves a romance, but not everyone wants to play it. Make sure you contact the player of the character you're interested in before making any assumptions.

✦ TELL US WHEN YOU GO ON HIATUS. This is exactly what deliciae_ooc is for, and should be used accordingly. The mods will understand if you need to take a short leave. The OOC community is not to be used for planning threads with individual characters, but can be used to ask questions to the members of Deliciae in a general way. For example: "Does anyone need an enemy, boyfriend, best friend? Let me know!" Asking the same question over and over, however, will result in a warning.

✦ SAVE THE DRAMA FOR YOUR MAMA/LLAMA. Try not to get into any OOC drama with other players. It makes for an unpleasant atmosphere and often destroys games. Communicate with others effectively, and contact the mods if you have a more serious problem.

✦ TELL US IF YOU LEAVE. Don't just leave the community without warning. We don't bite! Just leave a message in the OOC community letting us know you're dropping from the game.

✦ TURN IP LOGGING OFF. You can link to your personal journal, but you don't HAVE to, and for that reason we don't want players invading the privacy of others. Respect some players' wish to remain anonymous. DO NOT USE YOUR PERSONAL JOURNAL AS A MUSE JOURNAL.

✦ We accept all relationships here, so if slash is a problem for you, either skip over those threads or reconsider joining. There will most likely be some same sex relationships in game. The same goes for those uncomfortable with sexual situations. We do not ban NC-17 threads, so if they squick you out, either reconsider joining or skip them when you see them. They will be indicated.

✦ No muse squatting or metagaming.

✦ If you claim a character that has been dropped from the game, you do not have to continue the plots of the original player. Please consider it, but it's totally optional.

✦ HAVE FUN. :D :D :D


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