Had a super weekend at Nantes!!
i shall just cut and paste from my FB then :)
MY BLOG HAS BEEN RESTORED ! Thanks everyone for ur comfort and support, friends and family r very impt pixelated memories worth fighting for
I had a very good weekend:) and i have done so much within 40 hours
shopping wise : MIL gave us Le Jacquard Francais venezia nappe, Léo first pair of some highangle boots, my fav bonnie doon kneehigh socks) she is always so giving, nope, she duno abt this drama
sch wise:finished my CSR and 70% done wif ABM both due on 31 March,cooked lunch for the next 3 days, bought tiks to paris wif projectmates.PRODUCTIVE :)
family wise:spent weekend at Nantes léo played with Sakura and BigB n I watched a movie at 'printemps au cinema' le Belle et la Bete
jerkarse-wise: jerkarse knows that my blog is back n proposed me 4 options of which 3 is to kill my blog, i m done removing him from my blog . gg to email him now with < thanks for ur feeback n neccessary actions have been performed>
DETOX! Its SPRING (thanks my french classmate Mel for being wif me as i do my blog detox)
Everyone sings with me 'tralalalalala tralalalala
oki adds on from FB
...c my gorgeous nappe :)
http://www.grandes-marques.fr/linge-de-table/le-jacquard-francais/?Modele=Venezia+flanelle ours is rectangular :)
so gorgeous right, we were at Gallaries Lafayette and my MIL was going on wif a 'hey lets choose a nappe again'
we already had a Madura's (
http://www.madura.fr/) and another linen one from Lejacquardfrancais as well, but i told her I do not like linen one, and she kept proposing us to get another nappe.
seriously since xmas she has been asking and asking, when we was in our place for a few days, she bought a nappe washproof around 20€ while she sneaked out, practical and of a harmonious colour to suit the theme.
so Frog went to choose this...
Now the nappe do seem so expensive if u consider Léo shoes,...89€ for size 19, which will last only 3 months...omg
for myself, I choose a simple 13€ socks, knee length as I loved my abv kneelength Osaka socks so i think maybe i should get another one but sadly not able to go to Japan now so...
wishing for Japan though, Im greedy, the sakura in france do not please me that much :)