le courage? je n'ai pas !

Feb 03, 2009 19:18

Was in F1 class hier,

quite hilarious and annoying while doing the MCQ as my very diligent and well equipped,KS 'ang tiong' students were asking question pertaining to english,they had their answers wrong because they could not understand words like 'nuclear' , 'latin' , got mixed up with values,rituals,beliefs and assumptions'

i cant laughing at them for having ridiculous answers and the tr spent time explaining to them was a total waste of my learning time.........

then think about,do u have the courage to do what they do?

i would have my living expenses covered if i m willing to move to my ' new country' (according to big b) and study.Seriously,learning a new subject in a new language ain't something i have the courage to do.

ps: they r the top scorers eventually from ACCA....hardwork does pay

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