I joined the 5 associated words thingy courtesty of
I occassionally talk in my sleep - usually when I'm just on the verge of waking up and my dreams are starting to interact with whatever is in my (so-called) real world environment. One such morning, I was apparently heard to exclaim "I am a deli-fish!". There may have been repetitions.
In retrospect, I think I may have been claiming to be a jellyfish and getting it wrong.
Anyway ... this was the beginning of Fish. It's been taken and run with to a rediculous extent at this point. And for your random amusement, I recall that during this same dream, Gar was creating "Milkyfish" from his extended ears. It's a picture I must paint at some point.
Coming back to Ireland
For a long time during my 6 year sojourn in Japan, I rather thought I would never return to Ireland to live. There's a lot I don't love about the country, weather, people, etc. and I've never strongly identified with Irish as a nationality or felt hugely at home here. That said, 6 years of isolation - in terms of culture, speech, writing, food and just in terms of sheer distance from friends and family , took its toll. I'm glad to be back.
Some of the things I don't love are hard to place my finger on, and I sometimes fear I may sound a little arrogant when I talk about them. It's not like I've got everything figured out. Catch me in person sometime and I'll try to explain - I think I can manage stuff like that better conversationally. The weather gets to me because I find the lack of sunlight in winter extremely draining and my mood suffers.
I don't know if I'll stay here forever. My family is here so I'm unlikely to live for as long as far away again. I'm going to be staying for the next few years at least.
I went to college in UCG nearly entirely because I wanted to move out of home, couldn't afford to pay rent and could only get my parents to pay for it if it was necessary. UCG was the only college that I could make a reasoned argument for, given that both my sisters had gone there, and my father's family is in Galway. I was also able to claim that the course I did was something I couldn't do in any other college and offered a unique combination of practical and theoretical skills. The course wasn't bad. If I had been allowed, I had wanted to study pure Maths in TCD, but my mother felt it was not practical enough. Oh well.
Anyway, the college itself is good, I had a fun 4 years there which would take far longer than this memery to go into detail on. I think UCC has a prettier campus, but at least UCG has a proper quad :D
Meeting New People
I've met a lot of new people since coming back to Ireland, via
mytholder. It's different to meeting new people in other contexts - which any of us do when we head off to college, start a new job or move to a new country - in that I've been a degree of "pre-known" to most everyone I've met in this context. Luckily it's been an unequivocally good introduction and it's been like walking into a room pre-filled with people I'm going to get on with.
Creating Art
I'm just going to rip off what I posted as a comment on
fluffworld's last entry:
For the longest time I've wanted to draw/praint/make pictures (often, shamefully, of unicorns). But my fear in going down such a "silly, unrealistic" path was such that I wouldn't even take art for the leaving cert. and nearly didn't take it for the Junior Cert - waiting until second year to transfer out of commerce.
Anyway, then I went and studied Maths and Computers and worked in computers. And when the creative urge got too much for me, but still scared to face up to what I really wanted to do, I made websites and gained joy from lining things up.
And then that was kind of killing my soul, and I stepped over yet another decade and decided I had to be happy in what I did - even though at that point, I was still afraid to 'fess up to the fact that I wanted to draw things, coz I always always see stories in pictures - and decided to do some night courses in Graphic Design and short summer courses in drawing.
And now, here I am, unemployed and refusing to work in IT at all ever again. But I have a Webcomic and I love my night courses more than I have ever enjoyed any kind of education before ever, so that's something.
Hopefully it will all work out.
Anyway - if anyone wants words that I associate with them to write about, leave me a comment.