Puck/Rachel x 4

Aug 26, 2010 17:04

As mentioned earlier, here are the four drabbles I've written for the P/R drabble meme.

Prompt: Urban Dictionary, by snoozin81

‘LIMA’ The marker screeches over the whiteboard while Mr. Schuester writes the word. “What comes to your mind the moment someone mentions our home town?” he asks the group.

“Beans” Finn tries. Which is totally stupid, because everyone knows they don’t come from around here.

“Lima Double Wrap” Puck suggests innocently.

“Don’t be disgusting, Puck.” Rachel shoots him down immediately.

Schuester rambles on about them representing their hometown to all the other teams across the nation and that they should pay homage to their roots in order to impress the judges at Regionals.

Puck doesn’t listen anymore, not that he was particularly interested to begin with, instead he’s wondering how Rachel Berry of all people not only knows the meaning of ‘Fromunda Cheese’ but also that of ‘Lima Double Wrap’. It totally brings her higher up on the Hotness Scale and she was pretty high up there anyways.

He seriously has to get in to her pants. If it was a message from God before, it’s practically a message from the Universe now.

“Yo, Rachel!” He approaches her after practice ends. “What gives?”

“Hello Noah, is there something I can help you with?” she asks, while she clasps her hands in front of her.

“Yeah, what’s up with you knowing what a Lima Double Wrap is?” He just comes out with it. He’s not into playing games, unless it’s you know, in the bedroom.

“Well, since Mr. Schuester decided to take over Glee I’ve found myself in a new environment with new rules. It was a fairly long and painful process but eventually I realized that maybe not everyone is as determined to make Glee successful , and that in order to be a good leader I have to use the proper ‘slang’ as you call it to motivate everyone and eventually lead us to victory.” she says, slightly out of breath at the end of it.

He asked for it really, a long Rachel Berry ramble, and she still has to answer his question.

“Also, the smirk on your face when you said ‘only if it’s cream pie’ when I asked you if you wanted a piece of pie to compensate you for the disastrous ‘Run Joey Run’ incident, let me to believe that it was necessary for me to take some time out of my rigorous training schedule and that I instead should spend some time on the Internet to extend my admittedly limited knowledge on the alternative usage of words.”

“In English, please.” he says.

“I read the Urban Dictionary.” she answers.

She’s standing there, looking innocent as ever, knowing all about the most dirty things ever invented. His mind is short-circuiting, she’s such a trip, so he does the only thing he can think of. He kisses her. She’s immediately into it and it’s just like he remembers it, hungry lips, tongs tangling and passionate hands tugging everywhere.

“Ehm Noah, does this mean we’re ex’s with benefits?”she asks when they break apart.

Originally posted here


Girl: I am glad you don't think she's prettier than me.
Guy: What? She is like, trailer trash.
Girl: No, she's really pretty.
Guy: What are you talking about? She is some lady they found in the parking lot by the garbage. They were like, "Hey lady, we will give you $20 to do this."
Girl: ...she is like, the American standard of beauty.
Guy: She is a dumpster-diving prostitute!, by cheapen

“People used to talk shit about me having no standards, but I swear to God, Hudson will really stick it into anything that moves.”

She doesn’t understand her boyfriend and his logic sometimes. He was the one who said Finn needed a date this evening since the guys present, besides Finn, are with the three girls Finn has some kind of history with; Mike is with Quinn, Matt is with Santana, and Puck is with her. He was the one who brought Alexis and introduced her to Finn, and now he’s the one who’s complaining that Finn is leaving the six of them here in Breadsticks to go do God knows what with his date.

And really, Alexis is absolutely gorgeous, like a model so pretty even; long blond hair, perfectly shaped clear blue eyes, impeccable bone structure, a slim body, big boobs, the whole package. She literally felt her heart stop beating in her chest the moment Noah walked through the entrance with Alexis beside him.

It’s not really like she’s insecure about her own appearance, she’s just aware of herself and sometimes she feels like such an inexperienced little girl compared to her clearly very experienced boyfriend. She may have the book smarts, but he has all the street smarts and life experiences. And he’s just so beautiful and muscular and confident, if she was a boy he would probably give her an inferior complex. But, since she’s a girl, it’s the woman her boyfriend walked into the restaurant with who has made her feel jittery all evening.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather be leaving with her than sit here with me?” It’s clearly the wrong thing to ask; his face hardens, he clenches his jaw and his eyes flash dangerously. She braces herself for what’s sure to come her way.

“Fuck no, Rachel. Don’t try and do this insecurity shit with me. If you really think I’d rather be with some washed up coke-whore than with your crazy ass, you’re even more insane than I already thought.”

Quinn sucks in a breath across the table and there’s a Puck, fucking hell on her left from Matt, but really, she’s been with Noah long enough to know that there’s a difference between what he says and what he is saying. Sure, if they have a fight she makes sure to take everything he says the wrong way, but since that’s not the case right now, she’ll just focus on the real meaning behind his words instead.

“I am glad you don't think she's prettier than me.”

“What the fuck are you even talking about? She’s like, trailer trash.”

“No, she's really pretty.”

“She’s some lady Mike and I found in the parking lot by the garbage. We were like, Hey lady, we will give you $20 to do this."

“...she’s like, the American standard of beauty.”

“She is a dumpster-diving prostitute! Mike, tell her!”

“S’true” Mike mumbles around a mouth full of salad, which makes Quinn whip him across the head. “We wanted to do something nice, but not too nice, you know.”

“Yeah. I mean, Finn’s my boy, but I have to get something out of it too if I’m going around pulling girls for him. So like, Finn gets laid, I get to laugh at him when he gets crabs and has to go to the clinic.”

She really doesn’t want to be amused, she really doesn’t. It’s a horrible thing to do to your friend, it’s really abhorrent behavior, but then she sees Santana smirking and she sees Quinn hiding a smile behind her hand, and so she really can’t help it if the corner of her mouth maybe, possibly, slightly curls upward.

Originally posted here


Prompt: Jacob sticks Rachel's hand down his pants. Puck is not impressed., by misshigherpower

Let’s get one thing straight, Puck is not a jealous person by nature. He dated Santana Lopez for fuck’s sake, if that’s not enough prove of this fact, he doesn’t know what is. There’s only room for one possessive bitch in every relationship, and in their relationship Santana was clearly fulfilling that particular role.

The way he sees it, other guys ogling his hot as hell girlfriend, ultimately just serves as prove of his own studliness, since he’s the one banging her on a regular basis and all. To be clear though, it’s a strict ‘look, but don’t touch’ policy.

It would be an understatement to say he’s not impressed when Jacob manages to grab Rachel’s hand and stick it down his pants.

Okay, maybe he’s a little impressed with the ninja-like quick moves this nerd appears to possess, that are some serious skills right there.

It’s also pretty amusing that Jacob clearly jizzed in his pants and all over Rachel’s hand, since her hand is coming back wet when she immediately pulls it out. He thinks even Finn would say that’s embarrassingly fast.

Actually, when you put it like that, it’s a pretty hilarious situation. Except for, you know, the fact that it involves his girlfriend.

He doesn’t know what to do, but he does know what not to do.

He can’t laugh, it’s too soon. The anger Rachel feels for Jacob right now, would instantly be transferred and projected onto him. He doesn’t need that. He fucks up enough on his own, thank you very much.

He also can’t punch Jacob. Not only would it result in him getting a lecture on violence from Rachel, the idea that Jacob and his stalker ways are a threat to his relationship in any way, shape or form, is ludicrous. Come on, they are light-years apart in terms of hotness and badassness. Jacob isn’t even on the scale really.

He guesses he can’t blame the guy for trying, so in the end he settles on just pointing out the obvious.

“You know what, there are times and places to be a perv, but this really isn’t one of them.”

He looks around and sees the mortification of his mother and Mrs. Ben Israel, the stunned looks of dad and daddy Berry, the disgust of Rachel and his sister, and the blissful expression of Jacob.

He fucking knew it was a disaster waiting to happen, celebrating Hanukkah with their three families.

Originally posted here


Prompt: It's simple. You say "I Never" and then you finish the sentence. If it's something you did you drink., by christiek

It’s the summer before their Senior year and they’ve all decided, Puck and Rachel need to get together asap. They’ve been flirting like crazy for the entire duration of Junior year, but seriously, nothing is happening. And it’s not for lack of effort on the part of the Glee club members either.

The entire Beth situation is not exactly forgotten but it is forgiven, and everyone is moving on. Finn is happy with Tina (Whoa, that kind of really came out of left field. It’s all fine though, because Brittany and Santana take good care of Artie.) and he’s been with Quinn for five months now himself. Matt thinks it’s high time Puck also has someone.

He brought it up three months ago during a Glee club gathering that both Puck and Rachel were unable to attend and everyone pretty much unanimously decided that Rachel should be that person for Puck. Since then there have been several meetings with the whole club minus those two to brainstorm over ways to get them together.

Everything they’ve tried has failed so far.

They constantly brought up Rachel in conversations with Puck, just like they never let an opportunity slide to mention Puck to Rachel. The only response they got to that was Rachel’s opinion on Puck’s musical abilities and Puck’s admittedly mysterious statement 'You’ll just never fully understand what it’s like to be a Jew'.

The only reaction Puck had to them trying to manipulate him into pairing up with Rachel for one of Mr. Schuester’s assignments, was asking if he did get to kill her this time.

Clearly this wasn’t working so after that they all made sure to arrive to each Glee practice before both Rachel and Puck. That way they had to sit together, since the two seats at the side were always the only ones the rest of them left available.

During Regionals they had to stay overnight at a hotel and only people from the same sex were allowed to room together. Mercedes and Kurt begged Mr. Schuester to let them room with Rachel and Puck respectively.

Mercedes stole Rachel’s key while they were all eating in the downstairs restaurant and after dinner the ten of them quickly made their way out of the hotel for the evening, leaving Puck (and his room) as Rachel’s only option to go to.

It didn’t work; when they came back they found Rachel playing scrabble with Mr. Schuester. It was like she didn’t even miss her key.

All that work, and still nothing. Not one kiss or even a hug.

So here they are. A Glee party at Artie’s place and they’re going to play I Never. It was Santana’s idea; making Puck jealous with Rachel’s experiences with other guys. He doesn’t think it’s going to work though. How much experience can innocent little Rachel Berry have?

His point is kind of already proven when it turns out that Rachel doesn’t even know the game.

“It's simple. You say I Never and then you finish the sentence. If it's something you did you drink.”

“Am I correct when I assume this usually leads to people bragging about their substance abuse and experiences of a sexual nature?”

Santana nods.

“Well then, I’ve never lied to a former teacher in order to get free pot.”

Puck grins and takes a sip. “Right back at ya. I never lied to principal Figgins to get said teacher fired.”

The first few I never’s are pretty tame, but as time goes by, like Rachel already predicted, the subjects get less PG and more and more R-rated.

When Rachel drinks to Kurt’s ‘I never kissed a girl’, Matt fully expects Puck’s eyes to light up. He’s honestly getting pretty excited at the idea himself. Sure, they all see Santana and Brittany make out a lot, but it’s not like two hot girls kissing each other ever gets boring. The only visible reaction Puck has though, is a nod and a wink in Rachel’s direction.

It’s Santana who raises the stakes. Really, who else would it be?

“I never gave a hand job.”

Rachel drinks to that one too, and suddenly Matt realizes that this plan could be the one that’s actually going to work. If they can get Puck worked up enough with jealousy over the guy Rachel has done things with, he surely must come into action, right? That’s really the only justification he has for his following words.

“I’ve never gone down an a guy.”

Luckily, everyone seems to be in the same frame of mind.

“.. never had sex.” (Mercedes)

“.. never had sex in a car.” (Tina)

“.. in the janitor’s closet at school.” (Artie)

“.. never had sex outside.” (Mike)

“.. never got drunk.” (Quinn)

“.. never got high.” (Finn)

She drinks to every last one of them.


“.. never had a threesome” (Brittany)

After she drinks to that one too, Rachel announces she has to pee and leaves the room.

Who is this girl and what did she do with the Rachel Berry they all know? Obsessive over her hopes and dreams of conquering Broadway Rachel Berry? Innocent and virginal Rachel Berry? Knee-socks and animal sweaters wearing Rachel Berry?

Everyone is just looking at each other for a few minutes, totally stunned. Everyone, except Puck, that is. He just seems to be amused. And then Finn says what’s on all the guys minds, but what they can’t say without at least one person getting mad at them.

“Puck man, how are you not totally jealous off this mystery guy right now? I mean, I’m not even into Rachel anymore and I’m jealous to be honest.”

Predictably this results in an angry Tina storming out of the room. It’s also the exact moment Rachel chooses to walk back into the room.

“That’s a nice reversal of roles don’t you think Noah? Finn being jealous of you?”


“We wanted to tell you guys we’re together months ago, but suddenly you all ignore us during
Glee all the time and you never invite us for things anymore, so we didn’t think you would be that interested.”

All this time they’ve been planning and scheming to make something happen that was already going on? And what’s worse, they made the two people they wanted to make happy feel alienated?

He really should have gone with his first instinct those three months ago; just asking Puck what’s up after practice.

Originally posted here

pairing: puck/rachel, character: rachel, tv: glee, character: puck

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