sweet caroline...fuck-ing slut

Feb 11, 2006 16:57

Jon moved out to California in october, but we were practically still dating just minus the title. And now he's not even returning my calls. Did I upset him by telling him how I felt? Probably, but I don't regret expressing my emotions because if I left them brood inside me I'd be a lot worse off. I can't do anything about how fucked up he is...I love him, but if he needs time then let him have all he wants. As I told him a few weeks ago, he can do whatever he needs to do to make himself feel better, but he's not bringing me down.

So now for the first time since August I'm completely single. It's kinda weird.
Okay, REALLY weird.
Cause now I'm back to inadvertantly causing high school drama. That's what happens when you get completely wasted and do something you shouldn't with someone you shouldn't even be thinking about because YOU'RE SO DRUNK YOU DON'T GIVE A FUCK. Atleast he's drop dead gorgeous. Not worth the trouble it's about to cause in my house, but still fun.

And maybe it'll happen again tonight, because I enjoy getting trashed.
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