Jun 21, 2008 16:53
Before the return of 'Shewhomustnotbenamed' causes a wave of 'OMG!11!!1 Ten luvs her they is soooooooooooooooooo cute and shuld be 2gether forevah!' takes over my flist for the next couple or so weeks.
Now, I am aware that not everyone on my small flist shares my slight dislike of her - I know, I know, I hide it so very well, it must be a surprise to some ;-) - but it's already driving me mad, so lord knows what it will be like afterwards. Part of me just thinks I won't watch and just read up on the post ep summaries. However, it's meant to be a big night for Donna, and you have to support a woman with something on her back, really. It's the polite thing to do.
How it's come to me disliking a character so much that I'm dreading an ep is really quite sad and I do wonder what it says about me in some ways. I found myself trying to explain to someone at work yesterday why I dislike her so much, and the look in her eye was pure 'Humour her until I can get to safety and call the men in white coats.' It's sad.
So, words of comfort is what I'm looking for... Some bright spot on the horizon. A theory as to why I dislike Rose so much. The fact that the brown suit still looks good on the boy after he's worn it to death for three or so years. How a woman as great as Jackie had such a whiny, selfish daughter. A comment on the rumour that Martha may pop up somewhere tonight (I don't believe that, but it's a lovely thought) Anything that will take the edge off the return of the ultimate Mary Sue and the dread of what havoc she will cause. It will be horrible and messy and I will be weeping with frustration by the end, I fear.
Help me.