
Jun 09, 2008 14:21

I've watched Saturdays ep again and I just have reiterate how much I love River and the whole situation. I've loved most of this season so far but I loveses these last two eps muchly. Next weeks to look forward to and then I fear the slippery slope of me tearing my hair out and shouting very bad words very loudly at the tv screen will begin. I may even take to the bottle on Saturday nights to see me through and I've not had a drink for over a year... And that makes me sound like I have a problem! I don't honest. It's just that some things are enough to drive me to drink and you know who may be one of them ;-)

To cheer me up, a totally random picture. It's for no reason other than I think he looks a bit love-er-ly. I know... how unusual for me to think such things about Mr Tennant.

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