*Plants Feet*

Jul 07, 2009 15:23

I'm not leaving, and you can't make me.

In honor of that sentiment, I'm doing a bandom friending meme.

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bandom, friending meme

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Comments 1324

LET'S DO THIS THING provetheworst July 7 2009, 20:24:35 UTC

Name: Chex
Age: 20 (21 in 9 days, if this thing goes on that long, hahaha)
Location: Chi-city

Favorite bandom band: ... Panic? /o\
OTP: I don't really have one! I will read and write a lot of things though I do tend to get stuck in pairing ruts.
Favorite bandom song: Folkin' Around. Or the version of Arms Race with Lil Wayne on it ...
If you were trapped in an elevator with the bandom person of your choice, and you could ask them anything without any recriminations, who would it be and what would you ask?: I FORGOT TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION. I ... have no idea, really! Maybe I would grill Patrick about production or something. I don't have specific questions though.

General likes: I love dinosaurs, hip-hop + rap, and SCIENCE. I also like art and generally being Chex!!! I am fond of Heroes and Star Trek, but don't fic for them.
General dislikes: ... the JoBros?
Do you have a special friending policy? what. as long as you're not my parent or roommate you're probably in like flynn.
Anything else? I post a lot of music ( ... )


Re: LET'S DO THIS THING roadmarks July 7 2009, 22:29:34 UTC
I also like dinosaurs and hip-hop and science and Heroes and Star Trek! Friends? I promise that any talk of the Jonas Brothers I ever make will be under a lj-cut!


Re: LET'S DO THIS THING provetheworst July 7 2009, 22:53:50 UTC
I support this motion!!!

edit: dinosaurs!!!!


Re: LET'S DO THIS THING mayqueen517 July 8 2009, 03:43:58 UTC
HI there! I'm Chrissy!


delicatelight July 7 2009, 20:26:38 UTC
Name: Erin
Age: Old for trees. (But just barely! ;__;)
Location: Ohio

Favorite bandom band: Panic at the Disco
OTP: Brendon/Spencer, and Gabe/William
Favorite bandom song: Northern Downpour
If you were trapped in an elevator with the bandom person of your choice, and you could ask them anything without any recriminations, who would it be and what would you ask? I'd make Brendon sit down with me and talk about music so we could geek out together.

General likes: Music and America's Next Top Model. IT'S A CLASSIC, OKAY?
General dislikes: Name smushes and flocked icon communities.
Do you have a special friending policy? Nope.
Anything else? I like to talk, and I'm not shy, so don't be afraid to friend me! New friends are always awesome.


(The comment has been removed)

delicatelight July 8 2009, 01:31:43 UTC
Hi! Adding back! :DDD


maryangel200 July 8 2009, 01:50:09 UTC
Hi, you are old for trees, I am too. I've seen you around. Let's be friends.


earlofcardigans July 7 2009, 20:29:12 UTC
Name: Stevie
Age: 30
Location: Texas

Favorite bandom band: MCR
OTP: Bob/Frank
Favorite bandom song: uhhhh. You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison by MCR, Hold On by Empires, Hum Hallelujah by Fall Out Boy. I can't choose. You won't make me.
If you were trapped in an elevator with the bandom person of your choice, and you could ask them anything without any recriminations, who would it be and what would you ask? Do you like pie? Would you like me to bake you one? Okay no, seriously. I uh, have no idea, because I am lol awkward. I would be all SUP BOB BRYAR? OMG I'M IN A FUCKING ELEVATOR *HYPERVENTILATES* because I am slightly claustrophobic. :D

General likes: my hair, gadgets, water, flip flops, poptarts, freckles, cheese
General dislikes: stupid people, feet, onions, closet monsters
Do you have a special friending policy? um. I am currently friends only. And I don't mind being friends with whoever.
Anything else? I used to be snarkyrainbow. Forced namechange is no fun. :/


maryangel200 July 8 2009, 01:39:49 UTC
I love Pop Tarts and your face. NOM NOM


giddy_london July 8 2009, 02:38:14 UTC
Adding you since we seem to have quite a few interests and friends in common!


earlofcardigans July 8 2009, 02:40:40 UTC
Yay okay! :D There's Bob/Frank, and fleurdeliser so it seems we're already good.


boweryd July 7 2009, 20:30:35 UTC
Name: Bowery
Age: 25
Location: Narnia. This is totes factual.

Favorite bandom band: The Hush Sound / Empires
OTP: RYAN/SPENCER GODDAMMIT. Okay but really that answer changes like daily.
Favorite bandom song: It waffles between Hurricane and That's Okay by The Hush Sound and Northern Downpour.
If you were trapped in an elevator with the bandom person of your choice, and you could ask them anything without any recriminations, who would it be and what would you ask? Anything I say here is going to make me look like a terrible person. I would totally play a round of Cliff/Shag/Marry with Pete Wentz with answers specifically designed to make him have to Cliff Patrick because I'm a sociopath and it would be funny to see him cry. Or have sex in that elevator with Travis McCoy. Whichever is the more applicable answer.

General likes: Every animal under the sun, apocalypse scenarios of all kinds, abandoned places, music, dinosaurs, muppets, dresses, shoes, lipgloss, and now I'm just listing stuff I see around my room so I'm going to ( ... )


delicatelight July 7 2009, 20:47:56 UTC


lissa_bear July 7 2009, 21:28:20 UTC
I'd love to bear witness to that game of cliff/shag/marry.


boweryd July 7 2009, 21:39:11 UTC
I just want you to know that it was entirely Erin's fault that I did not friend you. She knows she has to tell me things 19 times before I remember them.


peridium July 7 2009, 20:31:52 UTC
Name: Peri
Age: 18
Location: Seattle in the summer and Ohio during the school year.

Favorite bandom band: ♥My Chemical Romance♥! I probably care at least a little bit about all the rest of them, though.
OTP: Frank/Gerard, all of MCR/being dorks who love the shit out of each other.
Favorite bandom song: Either Welcome to the Black Parade or Famous Last Words. (There's a clear trend of MCR songs with hopeful messages here.)
If you were trapped in an elevator with the bandom person of your choice, and you could ask them anything without any recriminations, who would it be and what would you ask? This would be Gerard Way. Assuming I somehow get over my urge to fall all over myself and ask him to be my best friend forever... sadly, I'd probably just want to ask him his thoughts on American Gods.

General likes: Rainbows, kittens, pasta, coffee, earnest lead singer types, anything epic, feminism, science fiction, Disney.
General dislikes: Brown rice, anti-warnings people, and Danny Gokey.
Do you have a special friending policy? Nope! I ( ... )


fictionalfaerie July 8 2009, 01:13:32 UTC
So, we have a whole bunch of friends in common, and I've seen your name around a bit... And MCR = heart heart heart.
Mind if I friend you?


peridium July 8 2009, 16:24:22 UTC

Not at all! :D I'll friend you right now.


fictionalfaerie July 8 2009, 16:44:39 UTC
Yay! :D


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