Smile at the Rising Sun

Jul 07, 2009 10:39

I woke up this morning, and I am, surprisingly, okay. I'm a lot more invested than I ever realized, but I really do think it's going to be okay. Right now it's kind of horrible, but you know, we still have Panic, and Ryan and Jon are going to make music that'll be hopefully awesome, and we'll have two bands to wife. That said, if you're still really upset and not okay, I am totally here to listen if you need to talk.

The thing I'm mostly worried about is fandom. The sudden influx of flocking and flouncing is freaking me out a little. I don't even really get it. Like, okay, yes, this is really, really upsetting, but we still have a band. We have two bands now! And I'm still going to read Panic fic, in whatever form it comes in. If you want to pretend the split never happened and write Panic as they were, I'll totally read that and be happy! And if you want to write Panic as they are, I'll read that too! Hell, if you want to write Ryan/Jon where they're in their new band, I'll even read that. I just don't want my fandom to go away. I love this fandom. It makes me sad to think we're losing people.

My cat is sleeping next to me, and he is adorable. I think I should end this post on that note.

ryan and jon's unnamed project, patd, fandom, bandom

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