~I wish people who write fic wouldn't delete their journals. Or would like, figure something out to do with the fic they had posted. There's this one really great Brendon/Spencer story that I loved, and I went to reread it today and the author has deleted her journal. I'm really sad about it.
~I have so many new friends that I'm in danger of confusing people. I've had that happen before, only to realize like, a month after I friended someone that they aren't who I was thinking they were. Heh.
~I'm out of half & half and I've been using evaporated milk and seriously, I don't know if I can ever go back. It's so good. It's also really bad for me, but it's so good.
~I realized today that I'm kind of a shitty LJ friend. I don't comment nearly as much as I should. I swear though, I read everything. I'm just super lazy.
~I had a dream last night that
insaneboingo was making me go to her prom. Never mind that she's been out of high school for a while. And like, I wasn't even freaked out about the fact that I'm way older than everyone else there. I was just like, "Okay, let's go." And I had this dress that was part plastic and was metallic pink. Oh, and I wore a broken tiara. And streaked my hair with blue and purple. I was a hot mess in the dream, people, but I seemed unaware of it. It was like a bad music video.
~I read a review of the new Death Cab CD where the guy said the album was brilliant, but may end their career. But didn't offer any reason for it. I do not understand that at all. It's a really good album. It's the first one of theirs that I love without reservation. Usually they're a little hit and miss with me, but I love every track on this one. I can't figure out what the hell he was talking about. It was weird.