Aug 25, 2009 08:13
Roomie avoided talking to anyone when she came home briefly last night and then promptly left again. Then didn't come home last night! Fucking seriously? She's THAT big of a baby that just because I got a little irritated with her about her dumb plan and tried to explain to her (not just for my benefit but for her own good) why it wouldn't, she's acting like I punched her in the face or something. Dramatic much?
But like L said... no matter how mad she gets at me, it's not HER choice. Ultimately, it's the landlord's choice, and there's no way he'll go for it. And it's our choice when she has to leave. So if we say she has to move two weeks before we officially turn the place over, we're allowed to do that. She is not on the lease. She rents a room from L. Plain and simple.
So when she gets home, if she bring it up again, this will be my response: "I'm sorry I upset you by telling you something you didn't want to hear. Should you choose to take over the lease, you are more than welcome to talk to the landlord. However, two weeks before we leave, we will need you out of the house in order for us to complete the necessary repairs before we leave. Therefore, you and your dog will need to find somewhere else to go. If at that point, you would like to move back in and find yourself some roommates and the landlord authorizes you signing a lease with him-- good luck. But you will not be able to stay here while we work on the house for those two weeks. We'll just have to see if the landlord will want to take you back in after we've repaired all of the chew damage on the doors, repainted the rooms, used enzymatic cleansers to get the urine smell out of the backyard and planted grass, and shampooed the carpets. If he doesn't have a problem with it, well, two weeks later-- place is all yours!"
Then if she wants to push the issue just to push it, well... it will only fuck her in the end. Try to be courteous to someone with 3 months notice so she can come up with a deposit for a new place and figure her issues out, and this is what we get for it. *sigh* She kept saying yesterday, "Yeah, but I don't understand why you're upset with me..." I kept responding, "Because you're not listening! That was never an option that was on the table. Why you keep trying to work your will when it should even be the last resort for YOU considering it's just about the worst idea ever is beyond me..."
My tolerance for ignorance is just gone. Chalk it up to being four and a half months pregnant and having a low threshold for the daily dumb.