Sep 02, 2003 16:15
Nothin' TOO exciting today. ^^;;; Got more pissed off about "Strawberry-gashable" in reference to someone I know. Meh, tis best just to get my mind around it, but those of you who know me well enough, I have a hard time dropping things when they REALLY bug me. ^^;;;
That song "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence came on earlier and I had a spaz attack and a half. @.x Any of you who read my entry about that nightmare I had so many weeks ago know why I tweaked. ^^;;;; Mom just kinda looked at me funny when I slumped down in my chair. ^_^;;;;
Ugh, the fuckin' Grad Night thing might end up being some expensive as all hell trip to like Hawaii or CanCun. Simply so the fuckers in my senior class can get DRUNK. GOD DAMN YOU PREPPY ASSHOLES!!!!! >.