Sleeeep.... @.z

Aug 11, 2003 10:05

Arg, it's too early to be awake... >.> Even though it's only like, 10 am. XP It's too early. *laughs* Though I did manage to fall asleep around like, 12 last night. @.x My mind was still tryin' to think and converse so I laid in bed for like an hour before finally dozing off. *hees* But I need to be up. @.x I have no idea when Katie's coming over, and Jenny's s'posed to come by around 3-ish, unless work tweaks and she takes longer. XPPP Which means I need to find entertainment in the meantime to keep my happy ass awake. X_x Rar...

Gah, I could be insane and go harras Tyler. *LOL* -If- it were that easy. @.x Ah well. *hees*

I could like, I dunno.... Draw, or something. o.O;;; Though that'll probably put me to sleep. *laughs* Plus I dunno what the hell I could draw. O.o;;; I'm not much in the mood to do art, even though I have requests to get done and stuff.

Hmmm, and I still need to get dressed. Running around in PJs all day when people could just show up out of no where and be like "Oh my god! Heather in PINK!!! o.o;;; *dies of shock*" and then I'd be like.. "Uhhhh... Oops. XDDD *poke, prod, steal anything nifty, run off with their car* XDDDDDD"

Oooo, food... I didn't eat anything other than a Hot Pocket yesterday. *lol* I would've eaten when I got into Oakdale, but I think my stomach would have hated me for it, seeing as I was still wiggin' out. And when I got home, well, it's not good to eat right before you go to bed, soooo... So yes, more Hot Pockets for me this morning. XDDDD I'll probably have to drag Katie to the store today to get food so we have something for dinner and stuff.

Oooo! We have Cheese Nips! XDDDDD

Evil bad back... *whines* Paaaain killeeeers.... XDDDDD

Anyway... Uhhhhh.... *lol* I dunno what else to put. *yawns* Rar, I'll write more tonight when I actually have something other than random retarded thoughts to put. XP Ciao!
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