Aug 01, 2003 18:12
You know, having two kitty's on my friend's list is gonna get confusing. @.@ I was reading Jenny's the other day and thought it was Dixie's. No wonder it didn't make sense to me. *lol* I was sittin' there like "Dixie's majoring in psych??? Wtf???" *lol* Ah well. *grins* Just shows I gotta pay more attention to names. @.@
Btw, Sean, if you did/do comment, that's fine. Free country and all that. But I won't respond, I won't read them. I will simply delete them. End of story. Don't need all that bad energy cluttering up my journal, eh? ^_~
Well, saw dad today. Wasn't near as bad as I had thought it would be. We had lunch at Applebee's where we got caught up a bit. He seemed quite proud of the fact that I'm more interested in what's going to be in my future as opposed to what's going on -now.- Kinda nice to know your dad's proud of you for once. ^_^ Then we went and saw part of Tomb Raider 2, which I -have- to fully see sometime. ^_^ I loved the fight scenes and all the stunts and shit. XDDDD But, yes, saw Pirates of the Caribbean again. Loved it, of course. XDDDD If any of you haven't seen it yet, GO. It's such an awesome movie, especially for all you action/graphic junkies out there. *hees*
Tonight I need to run around taking pictures of art and crap, as I've said. Meh, that oughta be fun. @.@ Even -more- editting. Gah. Been doing so much lately. Oh well. *grins* Then I gotta get packed and set for tomorrow and make sure I get enough sleep tonight so I'm ready to drive tomorrow. From the sounds of it, I'll be doing quite a bit. ^^ Ah well. I like driving, so it's all good. *grins*
And with that, I'm off to do said pic taking and packing and such. ^_^ Ciao!