lifes =====> still pulling! :oD

Mar 07, 2006 13:27

heres a cute picture of derek and becky in frisco!
awww arent they super cute hehee..

and heres thomas hes the coolest ever!!!

okay so i havent been on here in forever, you can obviously tell that from
looking at the last date of postage hah oh well..

so i have been going to school at de anza taking
-astronomy 4 [solar astronomy]
(pretty interesting/neat now i can tell which way is north and south at night)

-some algebra class
(teachers really good Dr. Ghori)

-political science
(worst class ever b/c Heffner basically just sucks)

so far i have recieved an A on all of my math tests yay!
so im excited, i get to find out what i got on my 2nd astro class tonight
i hope i did decent! :D i'd hate to have a lower gpa than i had wished for...
i joined the gym yesturday in hopes to get into a routine again because
i really would like to become a personal trainer or at least be certified
so i can go get a new job outta food service/coffee shop jobs...
and i have to take a handful of classes at de anza to do that so wish me luck!
right now i am waiting for christine to come over so we can go work out!!
i am sore from yesturday we ran for the first time in decades it seems like..
actually i feel like the older i get the harder it is to get back to running
yesturday it felt like my body was 2 tons heavier than ever! yikes it was
aweful so maybe i shouldnt let my body get sooo outta shape anymore plus the
guy gave me a deal i only have to pay 9 bucks a month nice...i think last time
i was paying 24 bucks a month thats insane...oh well
which reminds me i should call todd so we can work out together :)

oh yeah so we went to the gym...and did some weights and now my arms hurt
i thot they were gonna fall off anyway...i took a hot jacuzzi bath with
the epson salt and some other aroma stuff and now i can move my arms yay!

and ive been stretching a lot this morning...
we were afraid of doing weights with my left shoulder because i
had thrown it outta whack 4-5months ago and i got archie to put
it back in place three months after the incident so i couldnt use it
for about like 5months now its all gimpy and we have to
get some muscle back on it ;) then i can use again yay without it
falling off teehee...
other good news my cousin trisha had her baby wyatt michael guidry!
hes super cute! and they asked me to be the godmother so now im a
god mommy yippie ;D
cant wait til they come on over to california so i can see him! :D
im stoked! woohoo!
okies i have been trying to do homework for poli sci but the internet
is sucking hardcore today from the storms n stuff! grrrrrr...
makes me irritated oh well!

ok im gonna go; run, shower, do homework, drink green very expensive tea from
japan, drink coffee, get food and go to school! :D

and hopefully be happy when i get there teehee!
muah muah xoxo

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