Already Unzipped - JuddJones - NC-17

Jan 24, 2011 19:26

Title: Already Unzipped
Author: Ellie (evolia)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: JuddJones
Genre: Mostly porn.
Part: 1/1
Summary: In which Danny wears green silk.
Warnings: Cross-dressing.
A/N: My love and thankfulness goes to armillarysphere, again, as always. ♥. This is a sequel to an old PWP of mine, Just unzip and slip your grip, that would help understand the circumstances of this one, but is not absolutely necessary to read first. I challenged myself to write some good old graphic porn, because it's been a very long time I've done it on my own. So there it is, I hope you enjoy, and hopefully you'll enjoy enough to let me know in a little comment! Or a big one. I'm not fussy, I love them all.
I hope you enjoy this.
Disclaimer: Not mine, that's...weird.

It’s not like they really ever talked much about it after it happened. It’s been a few months since that night when Danny furiously wanked in his bunk with the smell of Harry in his nose, with the knickers that Harry had been wearing in his hand, and Danny still has them, and he still has the text that Harry sent him when he was done: your turn now.

So it’s his turn, but he doesn’t tell Harry about it. After all, Harry never told him when he did it. More of an impact that way, and Danny wants to have the biggest impact possible on Harry. He wants Harry to squirm as much as Danny did that night. Just thinking about it makes Danny’s palms sweaty, and sometimes he reaches into his sock drawer, all the way to the back, and grabs the underwear Harry wore. It’s probably so wrong that he didn’t wash them, but he can’t bring himself to. They still smell of arousal and sex.

Danny takes his time to find the perfect pair. Every time they get some time off he visits a new lingerie shop, trying to explain his search to helpful shop assistants by telling them he’s got quite the buff girlfriend. He doesn’t really feel like telling them they’re for himself, and he’s trying to find the comfiest, yet sexiest pair of knickers he can. He ends up buying three pairs in the end, just to make sure he’s got the right one, that will feel good and look good.

In the end, it’s a pair of dark green silk ones. They look good against his skin and they make both his eyes and his freckles stand out. And fuck, they’re so soft and they make him feel good, in a different way. Feminine but not in a stupid way, feminine in a seductive way. In a way that will make Harry hard, and the thought makes Danny’s cock twitch, too.




Harry smiles when Danny takes his guitar off and moves around the drumkit. Turning Harry around on his stool and straddling his legs right away. Tom and Dougie are off for a coffee run, and Harry and Danny have barely had any time for the two of them lately, so any moment feels stolen and illicit and perfect.

“Alone for a minute.”

Harry slides a hand along Danny’s hip, down to his arse, leaning back a little to be able to look into Danny’s eyes. Danny almost wishes he’d decided to wear the girl pants he bought today.

“Hmmm, yes.”

“We don’t have enough time together.”

“I know. We’ve been busy.”

Danny nods, leaning down and brushing his nose along the column of Harry’s neck. He always smells so good, and just this, having Harry’s arms around him and being able to be this close and enjoy some intimacy feels almost overwhelming. They really don’t spend enough time together, even though they’re not hiding or anything. They just don’t think about it until it starts to feel like an ache inside.

“You can come to stay one of these days. Your flatmates are always around, I’ve got this big house for myself.”

“I can. I’ve got keys.”

Danny nods and when Harry starts bumping his nose against his cheek, seeking out a kiss, Danny moves up and fits his lips against Harry’s, mostly letting himself be kissed for a while. When he takes a hold of Harry’s hair, the kiss turns deeper, fire flaring up in Danny’s stomach as they rearrange themselves, Danny starting to rub against Harry.

“Oh, guys!”

They pull away at Dougie’s voice booming in the room.

“Come stay for a while soon, yeah?”

Harry nods as Danny pulls away, sticking his tongue out at Dougie, who’s hiding his eyes behind his hand. Tom’s laughing behind him.


Danny likes wearing the dark green knickers when he’s in the house alone. He hasn’t decided yet when he’ll wear them for Harry’s pleasure, but in the meantime he gets used to them, enjoys the feeling of them against his cock, for himself. It feels stupidly nice, and a little frustrating too, because he gets hard almost as soon as he slips the knickers on. But he likes it. He loves it. And every time he wears them he thinks about Harry and he gets even harder.

He’s making tea and toast one weekend, wearing unbuttoned jeans over the knickers, and nothing else. He flexes his toes on the cold tiles as the kettle boils, whistling along to a melody in his head, making him smile. He doesn’t expect the front door to open and close as his toast pops, and he doesn’t even think about buttoning the jeans, turning around and seeing Harry walking in, stopping dead in his tracks, one shoe off.

Danny instantly blushes. This is unexpected.

“Huh. Hi. I didn’t know you were coming by.”

Harry still hasn’t said a word, not an explanation, not even hello. Danny’s starting to get confused as to why Harry is staring at him like this, apparently speechless. Danny runs a hand over his chest, frowning.

“Um, are you okay? Is there something wrong?”

Harry takes his second shoe off, and then takes a few steps inside the kitchen. Danny feels a bit self-conscious, as if there’s something terribly wrong going on with his body, and he wishes Harry would just tell him.


“What are you wearing?”


“What are you wearing, Dan?”

Danny blinks, looks down. Oh, the knickers. They could just be any sort of boxers, only his jeans are open enough to show the cut of the underwear and Harry has seen this. He has seen that Danny’s not wearing some kind of silk boxers, he’s wearing girls' underwear. Well, at least it is a surprise, but Danny wishes it’d been on his own terms. He doesn’t feel in control right now, when he wanted to be, like Harry had been when he’d worn the black polka-dot knickers.


Harry steps even closer, backing Danny against the fridge. It’s fucking cold against his shoulders, but Danny doesn’t really mind when Harry’s eyes darken so much it makes Danny shiver. The combination of Harry so close, his fingers sliding along his hips, and the girly underwear make Danny bite the inside of his lip, his cock twitching, already leaking an even darker patch on the front of the knickers.

Harry runs his fingers on the front of Danny’s underwear, as if feeling the material, and also Danny’s erection under it. He lets out a small noise that sounded like it was trapped in his throat, looking back up into Danny’s eyes, fingers trailing around, raising goosebumps on Danny’s skin.

“You’re wearing girls' underwear.”

“You weren’t supposed to see it just yet.”

“No? When then?”

“Not decided yet. Pointless now.”

Harry licks his lips, once again looking up and down Danny’s body, moving even closer, close enough that their chests touch and Danny can feel the warmth seep through his shirt.

“Is it? I like the surprise.”

It makes Danny smile, to see how obvious Harry’s arousal is, that he’s being turned on by this, by Danny. It always sends a jolt through Danny’s whole body. He grabs the hem of Harry’s shirt, pulls it up and off him, as if he does have control, and Harry lets him. His chest is warm under Danny’s fingers, skin looking golden, burning in the sun flooding through the window. Moments like these Danny can’t believe his luck.

“Yeah? Wait a sec#, then.”

Danny tugs his jeans down then, getting them off by stepping on them and tugging, and maybe it’s not very sexy but it’s fast and that way he’s in front of Harry, wearing only the knickers. Harry wore them and then let Danny imagine all sorts of things, but since Danny didn’t get to prepare anything like Harry did, best thing to do is just to let him enjoy the view.

So he stands there in the girl knickers that he carefully chose, his shoulders against the fridge, Harry almost against his front. Harry takes a step back, dry-swallows visibly, and lets his eyes trail down Danny’s body, once again. Danny doesn’t move, lets himself be taken in, too aroused to be feeling self-conscious.

“Fuck. They really…they suit you, Dan.”

Danny smiles, doesn’t answer in words but runs his fingers through Harry’s hair, feeling electricity in the air between them. He gasps when Harry moves suddenly, dropping to his knees and resting his palms on Danny’s thighs. Danny closes his eyes when Harry’s nose grazes his cock, through the silk of the underwear, then his mouth, damp and heavy and hot, and his tongue, licking at the damp patch. Danny throws his head back and tries to control the trembling in his legs when Harry buries his nose in the hairs over the waistband of the knickers, drags his lips along Danny’s thigh, following the cut of the girly underwear Danny’s wearing.

Danny’s toes curl over the tiles of the kitchen floor, and he feels this close to coming already, and Harry has barely touched him. Harry stands back up and presses himself against Danny fully, chest to chest and girly underwear-covered cock against jeans-covered cock. He’s hard as fuck, too, Danny can feel it and it makes him moan, makes him bring a hand to Harry’s arse and press, getting the two of them tighter together. Harry groans into his ear, nips along Danny’s jaw, all the way to Danny’s mouth, and that kiss is heated, intense, full of moans they both swallow, let reverberate in their ribcages, around their hearts. Danny clings to Harry, undoes his jeans and pushes them and his boxers down enough to have free access to his cock, but Harry pushes his hands away, moving them over Danny’s head, both wrists pinned against the fridge by one of his hands.

The other hand is just holding Danny, keeping the two of them up, wrapped around Danny’s back as they rut against each other, licking sweat from each other’s necks and jaws, moans echoing in their heads and in the kitchen. Danny can feel every push of Harry’s cock against his, but with the silk between them, like another barrier of skin, making everything even more sensitive, sending sparks everywhere in his body, short-circuiting his brain. Fuck, he’s going to wear girls' underwear every bloody day if it gets Harry in this state.

Harry grunts in Danny’s ear, in his neck, against his cheek, into his mouth, with each thrust, as if he was fucking a girl, but in the groans there’s Danny’s name, too. And Danny pushes his hips into Harry’s, knowing the delicate garment separating their erections will be ruined by the time they’re finished but not caring about it, either, because Harry is like an animal and so fucking hot he’s driving Danny to oblivion.

Their thrusts and moves are making the fridge move as well, banging against the wall rhythmically, and in any other circumstances Danny might have laughed but now, now, no, just no. Now he’s too caught up in the moment and fuck, fuck he’s so close, and Harry is grunting in his ear and his legs are trembling like mad and fuck, fuck Harry’s coming, all tense under Danny’s lips, crying out and breathing hard and loud. Danny can feel Harry’s cum all over his chest and he smiles, resting his head against the fridge as he wonders what Harry’s going to do now. He actually goes back down to his knees, and pulls the knickers down, just enough to lick at Danny’s cock.

It’s surprising enough that Danny thrusts forward, his newly freed hands holding the sides of the fridge to keep him from falling to his knees, and he shouts Harry’s name in the kitchen. Harry is merciless and sucks Danny in deep, holding his hips. It doesn’t take long for Danny to come too, but instead of swallowing, Harry pulls back, lets Danny come over his upper chest, his face.

Danny slips down, joins Harry on the kitchen floor. After a moment of just regaining his breath, his mouth open over Harry’s shoulder, he untangles his legs and slips the knickers down off, then drops them in Harry’s hand.

“Have them.”

“Fuck, Dan. Just - wow.”

“You did all the work.”


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