
Sep 02, 2030 08:12

Hello all.

I have made a decision after recent events and a long think. My posts on this journal will now be f-locked after a while. I will leave them open for a week or so and then lock it. THIS IS ONLY VALID FOR RPS.

So this leads me to basically telling you can add me as you wish, I'll add right back! I might not reply to your comment, but do not worry, I will still add you as a friend.

Here you will find McFly RPS, a little bit of Bandom, a tiny bit of Football slash, Hawaii 5-0, and The Avengers.
If you are interested in reading anything that I have written in the past, any of my SPN fics, or Veronica Mars, or even Dark Angel (if you really want to suffer through my horrendous writing of this), just ask away and we'll work something out.

I'll keep my non-RPS fannish posts and fics unlocked - for now anyway, but I have much less trouble dealing with those being exposed than my RPS, I hope you can see why.

Anyway, my friending policy is please please do come play with me!

There is a link to my fic list (open) on your left here, or here this is a direct link to it. This has not been updated for a while, but I am Ellievolia over at AO3 and this is pretty much up to date.

There, that is all! Enjoy your stay!

friends only

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