I don't know how to explain my point without creating additional wank, which is not what I want, because it seems it's all I see on LJ these days. I just don't understand, why would people be so intent on harshing other people's squee about something they didn't like.
Didn't like it? More than fair. Not interested? Same, perfectly fair. I'm not interested in a number of things that have huge followings, I don't understand it, I have no desire to watch it.
So I don't, and I focus on the things I am interested in. Why can't people do that? I mean, fair enough, the Avengers are everywhere and it's hard to completely bypass it, but so is BBC Sherlock and Supernatural and yet I manage without bitching about it.
It just. Makes me sad. And I know someone will probably tell me that everyone is entitled to their opinions; I know that, thank you very much. I just don't necessarily understand why letting it all out when it doesn't make you happier and can potentially harm others, or make them feel guilty, or wrong about what they like.
I just want us to be better than that. (By the way, if you come in to bash and not bring anything to the conversation I will shut you down.)