Nov 09, 2007 20:14
Ok, getting settled in here. And the DVR remote is far away from me so I can't screw up my recording.
1) Grace should take this guy up on his exterminating services. It's got to be far more enviromentally friendly.
2) What's with people on this island? Michelle knocks on a stranger's door and then just walks right in. "It was open." WTF?
3) Is puppy doing this on purpose? Does he know what he's doing? Is he trying to commit murder by sex? And really, how can you not love a show where that's actually possible.
4) Anyone else bored with Brit and what's-her-name? They better have a point in the plot sometime soon.
5) Poor Diana. She's been insulted.
6) And ew on the severed arm. Wonder if they found the rest of him.
7) For a porny-crack show, they're having a lot of funerals.
8) Ok really, Grace wouldn't be talking to you Bro if she didn't really think something was wrong.
9) Puppy had to stand behind Bro for the eulogy. Why? That's a damn short leash.
10) Bro, you're an ass. I know, I know. That's not news.
11) Bonding over the murder of your parents. Wow.
12) Scrogin's hands look ancient. Because she is, but still.
13) I didn't know you were in here so I thought I'd eavesdrop. Yeah, good one.
14) "My sister Diana..." Ok, that's clearly for the ppl who just turned in. Everyone else would have been just fine with Diana or my sister. "My sister Diana" is just clunky.
15) Adam really should have stayed home tonight. And it's how long later, the bar is closed and Adam's STILL laying on the floor? That's loving. Couldn't you have found a chaise for him or something. Really, Toby's new haircut's just not working for me.
16) I have cat. He just rubbed against me and meowed. That, btw, has nothing to do with Dante's Cove.
17) So puppy's little freak out here. Is this generic "OMG I just killed someone" freaking or "OMG I just killed someone I care about" brainwashed freaking? 'Cuz it's looking like the second and that's creepy. Dude! He doesn't even wake up! So of course the thing you do after temporarily killing someone is cuddle with them.
18) And now, poor Bro. Gotta suck when the magic fades. The really went all out on their spells. Candle fire burn - ablaze!
19) Bro Bro Bro It's not that he's the rep from the Council, it's that he can kick your ass without trying.
20) And now, the requisite full frontal nudity scene. sigh
21) You have sex with just one person? For how long? ... snicker Ok, really, the whole you must have sex with other people or you lose your magic is just funny.
22) Ew Plus, like that's going to make the tea taste good.
23) Dear Grace, When you want something from someone, you probably shouldn't knock on their door and demand they give you want you want. It's rude and most people don't react well to it. kthxbye
24) Adam really has mellowed and become a decent human being since Bro fucked him last season. Also, Bro, I'm not sure that pissing off a man with a knife in his hand is such a good idea.
25) sigh More of Brit and Joan? is it? Whatever. Still not caring. Even with ropes. Sarong, whatever. These two need to join the plot fast.
26) I wanted to see Trevor get the whole explaination about Tresum, but no, we skip to he's an eager non-minionized minion.
27) "You're working for Bro." yeah, and so are you Toby. Jealous much? snicker Adam's how old and he's got an allowance? Toby Toby Toby, you are so fucking clueless sometimes. Were they supposed to knock the plant over or they just keep going anyway?
28) More Tresum history.
29) Yeah and she got the box up to the beach how?