
Dec 17, 2009 15:27

Heading off to Sanibel tonight for the Annual Winter Visit with Ellen's folks. Historically, internet access has been spotty there--which is actually a Good Thing, given my current FaceBook and LJ-reading habits. If I can, I'll post a review of The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, which we saw over the weekend and loved. If I can't, I'll write it there and post it when I get home on the 23rd. And I'll write. I've been struggling, piecing together hours here and hours there--making progress, but very slowly and with no sense of continuity. So my mission (which I've decided to accept) is to: 1) Get something like a zero draft of "The Mystery (or possibly Ghost) of Cwmlech Manor" (because "The Ghost in the Machine," although a much snappier title, is a total spoiler). 2) Get the proposal for The Dragon of Wall Street in shape to send to My Board of Advisors and Plot Doctors. 3) Read a couple of mss I've long promised to comment on. If I read the mss on the plane, this is a reasonable number of things to do (consonant with, you know, actually interacting with Ellen's family, who I like very much and enjoy interacting with) in 4 full days without messing around with email and LJ and so on. And yes, I'll tell you whether I did them or not when I get back.

family, travel, writing life

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