Interstitial Interfictions 2 Event

Nov 07, 2009 12:02

Okay, it's probably tacky reviewing my own event, but I didn't organize it, and I didn't read anything, I didn't emcee it.  I didn't utter a public word.  I took a lot of pictures (which LJ isn't uploading from my computer, for some unknown and probably perfectly simple reason.  Consarn it).


It was wonderful.  Everybody there was a good reader to begin with (a couple were even professionals--actors backed up Alaya Johnson, and read in the place of our own glvalentine , who (sadly) wasn't able to be there).  But having music behind them, responding to their emotions and intensifying it. . . .  They all shone like stars.  The music really brought out the comic creepiness of Jeff Ford's "War Between Heaven and Hell Wallpaper" and the tragedy of ktempest 's "Black Feather" (from IF1).  Alaya Johnson's "The Score" became even more of the political thriller/mocumentary it is on the page.  And vschanoes totally knocked "Rats" out of the park, gobsmacking the audience and astonishing those of us who had never seen her in her punk rock star mode.  She should do performance art.  Seriously.

Don't take my word for it.  A bunch of people videoed the whole thing, and it's already shown up on You Tube.  Furthermore, there's going to be a Part II, in Boston:

Friday, November 13 at 7:30 p.m.
The Lily Pad
Inman Square
1353 Cambridge St
Readers will be Theodora Goss, Shira Lipkin, Catherynne M. Valente, Matthew Cheney, and F. Brett Cox
The musicians are Michael McLaughlin, Joe Kessler, and Joe Dejarnette
And (of course) Brian Francis Slattery, who is making the whole thing tick over.

I sure wish I could be there.  Somebody video it, okay?

to get right valentine.  Sheesh.  I shouldn't be let out without an editor.  Luckily, I have you guys.

interfictions, signal boost, review

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