Interfictions 2 Events!

Nov 05, 2009 18:08

Book Birthday for Interfictions 2 was November 3, and we celebrated with a lively reading at Borderlands Books in San Francisco.  Amelia Beamer, Ray Vukcevich, and Anna Tambour (from Interfictions 1) and one of the Beaming Editors (that would be me), read snippets of six stories, including two whose authors, from Argentina and France respectively, are unlikely to be able to read them to an USA audience any time soon.

TOMORROW (Friday) night we kick off the East Coast jam!  I hope you
can join Ellen and me there:

Friday, November 6 at 7:00 p.m.
Housing Works Bookstore Cafe
126 Crosby St
Readings by Interfictions & Interfictions 2 authors Jeffrey Ford, K.
Tempest Bradford, Carlos Hernandez, Alaya Dawn Johnson, Veronica
Schanoes, and Genevieve Valentine, backed up by local musicians Brian
Wecht, Jeremy Goddard, John Pinamonti, Nate Landau, Charlie Shaw,
conducted by Brian Francis Slattery, with MC Ellen Kushner (IAF Pres.)
& co-editor Delia Sherman. Expect sometimes raucous and sometimes
sweet, sometimes despairing and sometimes joyful, and always
interesting…art without borders.

* * *
There are also cool events in Boston & LA.
For details, please see:

* * *

The INTERFICTIONS AUCTION of Portable & Wearable Art inspired by
stories in Interfictions is now up at:
There will be a new piece every day for a month - please bid early &
often for the perfect interstitial holiday gift!

interfictions, signal boost

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