The Haunting Gainsborough

Aug 14, 2009 20:28

Thanks to keelieinblack , the Mystery of the Missing Sherlock Holmes Movie is solved.  It wasn't a movie at all, it was an episode (No. 35 in Season 1, to be exact) of the 1950's TV show.

If I can figure out how to imbed it, I will.  But I give you fair warning.  If you are 1) of Scots descent; 2) American; 3) a woman; 4) a man; 5) a rational being--YOU MAY BE OFFENDED.

You may also laugh until it hurts.  By all that's dear, do not watch this episode while you are drinking or eating.

I am so inspired by this.  Really.  You have no idea.  But you'll see, you'll see.  Bwhahahahaha.

movie, persiflage, poughkeepsie

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